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Clean up coal mining's air pollution

Pat Murphy's 800ha farm is just over one kilometre from the controversial Maules Creek coal mine. No pollution limits were placed on Pat's land when the Maules Creek mine was approved by New South Wales planning authorities and he says his life is now a 'living nightmare.'

The NSW Government has let the coal mining industry get away with unsafe levels of air and noise pollution for too many years. People that live near coal mines report getting sick, being unable to sleep, and a hard slog to get any help from the Government. Instead of making the companies stick to safe limit of dust and pollution, the Government just tells the coal companies to buy up vast swathes of rural land. But if your place isn't on the list to get bought, you can't get out, you're trapped breathing the dust of NSW's worst neighbours.

We need to make the the Government put proper limits in place to protect people dangerous air pollution.

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