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Stop Hume Coal in the Southern Highlands


The Proposed Hume Coal Mine

Hume Coal want to open a new coal mine in Sutton Forest, near Berrima. This mine is in the wrong place. Hume Coal are proposing a six-storey, 800 metre long coal stockpile will be located near the villages of Berrima, New Berrima and Medway.

An independent water study, peer reviewed by the Water Research Lab at the University of New South Wales, estimates that the groundwater will be lowered by up to 150m over an area of 200 sq. km.

Hume Coal admits to a 90m drawdown over the mined area but acknowledge that water drawdown impacts extend 5km or more beyond the mine, an area of over 300 sq. km.

Local drinking water and feeder streams could suffer from significant water loss affecting the adjacent Medway Reservoir which supplies approximately 8,200 residents in Berrima, Bowral and Mittagong with their drinking water. The project would be yet another new mine in the Sydney Water Catchment, damaging the catchment and permanently costing us fresh drinking water.

Coal train loading facilities at the stockpile, operating 24/7 moving coal from the coal stockpile through the quiet rural villages of the Southern Highlands to Port Kembla, spreading dust, noise and disrupting usual train services. 

Get involved
We have until Friday 30 June to inundate the Government with submissions showing the size, strength and diversity of opposition to yet another new coal mine proposed inside Sydney’s drinking water catchment. Can you join us?

Can you help us oppose Hume Coal’s project?

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