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Lock the Gate Renewable Energy Position Statement

February 11, 2025

Lock the Gate Alliance recognises the necessity of a rapid decarbonisation of our society. A locally-led shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, combined with a reduction in consumption, is our vision for driving down carbon emissions and therefore reducing the impacts and urgency...

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Coal Seam Gas in Queensland

There are over 10 000 operating coal seam gas wells in Queensland, mostly in the Western and Darling Downs in Southern Queensland and the industry has already done huge damage to the region.  More than 223 water bores have already run dry because of coal seam gas and the Condamine River has been seen bubbling like a spa bath due to the vast amount of methane being released by coal seam gas activities nearby. Read more....

NSW Coal Watch

The 14 proposed new coal expansions in New South Wales will create 2 billion tonnes of lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions - which is 15 times the state’s current annual emissions. NSW can’t meet climate goals, and neither can Australia or the globe, if these mines go ahead. The NSW Premier and his Ministers can take action to ensure these projects do not go ahead.  Read more....

Northern Territory Fracking

Unconventional gas exploration and fracking is already underway in the Roper Gulf region of the Northern Territory, with a number of companies undertaking exploration drilling in the region. Read more....

Coal Mine Methane

Australia’s coal mines have a methane problem. In 2019, they released 68% of Australia’s methane emissions from the energy industry overall, making coal mines a larger contributor than both oil and gas. What’s more, new evidence suggests emissions are under-reported and are actually significantly higher than this. Read more...

Winchester South

In November 2023, the Queensland Coordinator General recommended approval of the Winchester South Coal Project, a new open-cut thermal and metallurgical coal mine in Central Queensland proposed by Whitehaven Coal. The project’s EIS reveals it would mine up to 17 million tonnes of coal each year for 28 years. Read more....

Fracking the Kimberley

The Kimberley has some of the largest intact natural landscapes left in the world. It is also a culturally rich region, home to a living Aboriginal culture that is tens of thousands of years old. But this beautiful region has also been identified as having some of the largest untapped shale gas and tight sands gas reserves in the world. Read more....

Protect Prime Ag Land, Regional Communities and Climate in Qld

I want all parties to commit to election policies that will protect Queensland’s prime agricultural land, regional communities and climate in the lead up to the 2024 Queensland state election.

These policies include:

  • No coal or coal seam gas on prime agricultural land
  • Protect land and water by refusing new coal and gas projects
  • No unlimited take from the Great Artesian Basin for mining companies
  • Commit to community review rights for mining projects

Will you sign?

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