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Bylong Fighting Fund

Please chip in to get the magnificent Bylong Valley protected from big coal, for good!

Chip in to support farmers and communities to:

  1. Fight back against power giant KEPCO as they launch a legal challenge against the refusal of the Bylong coal project
  2. Help get permanent protection from mining for the extraordinary rich soils mapped as Biophysical Strategic Agricultural Land at Bylong and across the state
  3. Properly recognise and restore Tarwyn Park as the crucible of Natural Sequence Farming in Australia

In September 2019, the Independent Planning Commission refused approval for the Bylong coal mine in October 2019. 

But the company is now appealing the decision in the Land and Environment Court and the NSW Government has still done nothing to provide long-term protection.

This isn’t over yet!  We are so close to getting this place protected for good, but we need one last push.  Can you chip in to our fighting fund and help us get this one across the line, once and for all?

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