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The decision by QLD Labor and One Nation to commit to blocking a taxpayer-funded rail line for the Adani mine has opened the way to an even more desperate plan by the Indian miner, says Lock the Gate Alliance.

As reported in national media, Adani is now close to securing Chinese government investment to fund the controversial rail line from the Galilee Basin to the port.

Under the secret plan, which has now been exposed, state-owned China Machinery Engineering Corporation materials would be sourced from China and work done by Chinese rather than local workers.

“Adani is now desperately enlisting Chinese money to pay for the railway, but this is a foreign investment decision that could have broader implications and potentially unintended consequences for Australia. It needs to be considered very seriously,” said Phil Laird of Lock the Gate.

“From the Chinese perspective, this rail project looks like a great jumping off point in Australia for its One Belt, One Road mega project which spans numerous countries and is funded by large Chinese Banks and organisations such as the China Machinery Engineering Corporation.

“All of Queensland and in fact Australia should be debating this. We should not be sleep walking into a project that has global ambitions such as One Belt One Road project without careful consideration.

“It’s not up to Mr Adani to say it’s okay for China to fund this railway and use all their workers and materials. This is a decision with broader implications for Australia.

“In light of the imminent Queensland election, we need some clear answers from all candidates to ensure we don’t rush down this path.

“We urgently need all candidates to declare before Saturday’s election whether they believe such an arrangement is in Queensland’s interests.

“This project is classified 'critical infrastructure', yet now it will possibly be in overseas hands?”

“We need to know what controls they would put around such a project to protect Queensland interests.

“At this late stage, we need to know what concrete steps parties would take to block such an arrangement. This is not something that can be rushed through because Mr Adani says so.

“There should be a full debate about this, and candidates need to be clear on where they stand,” he said.

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