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Channel Country Protected!

We did it! Queensland Channel Country Rivers will be protected from oil and gas.

Will you write a thank you message to Premier Steven Miles, congratulating him for bringing in these protections in his first week as Premier?

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Showing 30 reactions

  • Phil Bender
    commented 2023-12-22 15:33:57 +1100
    Thank you Premier Miles for making the world a better place.
  • Miree Le Roy
    commented 2023-12-22 15:33:44 +1100
    This change of direction is surprising but so welcome. I hope this is an ongoing strategy together with the Jobs and Energy plan to now look at banning fracking and rejecting and new fossil fuel projects.

    Thank you. Please please keep it up.
  • James B Nutting
    commented 2023-12-22 15:32:42 +1100
    Dear Premier Steven Miles,

    Thank you for protecting the Channel Country. Your place in history is assured as a proud, strong man. Thanks again.

    Merry Christmas!
  • Jeanette Watson
    commented 2023-12-22 15:32:41 +1100
    We wish to thank with all our hearts this news is so wonderful and we can’t thank you enough, we are so happy.

    Have a great Christmas and all the very best for the New Year
  • Pamela Frith
    commented 2023-12-22 15:32:05 +1100
    Thanks for protecting the environment no fraking anywhere we have one earth and we need to look after it. Good stat from you keep it up. From Pam frith
  • Fabia Claridge
    commented 2023-12-22 15:31:41 +1100
    Congratulations Premier Steven Miles for doing the right thing by protecting The magnificent and vital Channel Country from fracking. We look forward to further environmental protections by your government. It’s what the people want 🙏
  • Ian Spiller
    commented 2023-12-22 15:31:33 +1100
    Thank you for banning fracking in the lake air basin, a unique and fragile environment.

    Maybe there is still hope for the overall Australian environment. Let’s hope your example catches on.
  • Helen Dolden
    commented 2023-12-22 15:31:24 +1100
    A huge thank you from the Channel Country for protecting it from fracking. Way to go! Keep up the good work.
  • Robyn Kerr
    commented 2023-12-22 15:31:21 +1100
    Thank you Thank you Thank you for banning fracking in the Channel Country. And Thank you again.
  • Carolyn Auton
    commented 2023-12-22 15:30:52 +1100
    Thank you Premier Miles for protecting the Queensland Channel Country from fracking and oil and gas development. This is a decision for the future and will give hope to keeping this part of our country viable and sustainable. Our children and grandchildren thank you!
  • Mira Peles-Haneman
    commented 2023-12-22 15:30:32 +1100
    Thank you!!
  • Coralie Sanderson
    commented 2023-12-22 15:29:58 +1100
    At Last!!! Common sense and intelligence prevails! Congratulations and thank you for doing the right thing for future generations. I hope messages of thanks such as mine strengthen your resolve to combat the reckless devastation of the vital ecosystems on which we ALL depend. Bravo!
  • William Spiers
    commented 2023-12-22 15:29:18 +1100
    At last the decision to protect the channel country from fossil fuel activities indicates a bit of common sense creeping in to the system. Thank you!!

    Now, about the other myriad of applications for unnecessary de-sequestering of additional pollutants…..
  • Jackie Sherwood
    commented 2023-12-22 15:29:11 +1100
    Dear Premier, thank you for enlightened decision on the channel country.

    Yes, agriculture and water are of vital importance. None can eat gas or drink coal , so well done

    Could you now turn to Toondah harbour and protect vulnerable migratory birds and another vital ecosystem against predatory developers?
  • Jock Smith
    commented 2023-12-22 15:28:54 +1100
    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for doing the very best and logical boost to our so precious environment.
  • Beverley Bowyer
    commented 2023-12-22 15:28:52 +1100
    Premier Miles,Sincere thanks for protecting the Channel Country Rivers.We need to protect the natural environment for the present and the future.
  • Wendy Andrews
    commented 2023-12-22 15:28:10 +1100
    thank you
  • Gerald Hallead
    commented 2023-12-22 15:27:24 +1100
    Dear Premier Miles,

    Thank you for protecting Queensland Channel Country Rivers from oil and gas exploration, drilling and fracking.

    Happy Holidays!


    Gerald Hallead
  • Gerald Houska
    commented 2023-12-22 15:27:22 +1100
    Thank you for not being like Johannastacia Bjelke Palaszczuk.
  • Janet Dimelow
    commented 2023-12-22 15:26:36 +1100
    Thank you Mr Premier for saving Queensland’s Channel Country from the poisonous affects of franking which would have destroyed the water sources in the area forever as has happened in the USA.
  • Teneil Zerbst
    commented 2023-12-22 15:26:26 +1100
    Thank you, Premier Miles, for protecting Channel Country from fracking. As someone who comes from an area of Queensland that is heavily involved in CSG this decision, as well as your target for a 75% emissions reduction, makes me hopeful that we can potentially combat climate change within our lifetimes and secure a future for the coming generations. Thank you!
  • Janet Fairlie-Cuninghame
    commented 2023-12-22 15:26:24 +1100
    Mr Premier, congratulations on your wise decision to protect WATER Reserves from Oil and Gas Fracking which is so destructive for life. Caring for Country is analagous to Caring for Life. Water makes life possible!
  • Graham Taylor
    commented 2023-12-22 15:26:23 +1100
    Thank you Premier for announcing that the Channel Country Rivers will be protected from oil and gas. You have set the standard, so let’s hope other premiers and chief ministers follow your example.
  • Miriam Germein
    commented 2023-12-22 15:26:12 +1100
    Premier Miles, A giant congratulations from S.A. For protecting a region of national, environmental significance – of the highest order. You’ve elevated the critical relevance of water at a time in human history when unfettered access to clean, abundant water is under threat. Well done!
  • Elizabeth Scanlon
    commented 2023-12-22 15:24:38 +1100
    Thanks from Victoria for telling the frackers to frack off.

    Best regards.
  • Elizabeth Blackmore
    commented 2023-12-22 15:24:22 +1100
    Thank yoh for protecting the Channel Country
  • Susan Cook
    commented 2023-12-22 15:24:21 +1100
    Thank you for listening to the many concerned Australians and for the swif action taken in your first week as Premier. The waterways of our country are few and far between, particularly in the dry areas of our inland. Pastoralists, First Nation people, wildlife, tourist operators etc. rely on their continued flow without the interface or pollution affects of fracking and mining.

    I wish you success as Premier of Queensland and hope that you continue to consider the environment and the possible flow-on affects that can occur when our beautiful country is damaged or threatened.
  • George Cazilieris
    commented 2023-12-22 15:23:49 +1100
    Dear Sir,

    I just want to say thank you for saving this land for dangerous fracking . If only more governments were safety conscious like you .
  • Leslie Ross
    commented 2023-12-22 15:23:29 +1100
    Well done Premier! Keep up the fight to protect our natural world!
  • Pamela Makey
    commented 2023-12-22 15:23:11 +1100