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Call Deutsche Bank

Whitehaven Coal’s business is built on coal demand projections that would see the world breach international goals to limit global warming and would fuel catastrophic climate change. 

Now it’s been revealed that an international bank that claims it is committed to the goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050, is organising finance for the company, just as Whitehaven needs to raise $2 billion to fund three big new coal projects in Australia. 

We’re getting on the phone to tell Deutsche Bank not to help bankroll Whitehaven Coal. 

Here is the number to call: 02 8258 1234

Here are some things you might like to say: 

  • Whitehaven Coal plans to expand the Narrabri Underground coal mine, and build the Vickery and Winchester South mines, which together would produce more than a billion tonnes of greenhouse gases. 
  • Whitehaven Coal has a terrible environmental record. They have recently been found guilty of stealing water from parched inland rivers, they have emptied rural farming communities, cleared an irreplaceable forest and are ignoring the threat climate change poses to all Australians.
  • Any expansion of the coal industry is incompatible with the climate goals of the Paris Agreement and with the International Energy Agency’s net-zero by 2050 modelling, which sees “no new coal mines or mine extensions” from this year onward. 
  • A Federal Court judge recently decided that building Whitehaven's Vickery Coal project would cause real harm to children, due to the climate change impacts that would result.
  • Deutsche Bank organising financial support for Whitehaven Coal is not consistent with your company’s climate change policy. 
  • Deutsche Bank must now provide a clear commitment that it will take no further part in arranging finance for Whitehaven.  Ask them to take your contact details and get back to you with a response.

Calling is the best way to get your message to the Australian branch of the bank, but if you can't get through on the phone, you can send an email to [email protected]

Tweet this! Hey @DeutscheBank you can’t have a climate policy of net zero by 2050 AND arrange funding for Whitehaven Coal #windupWhitehaven #COP26

Post a message on Deutsche Bank’s social media

Can you leave a comment on Deutsche Bank’s social media? Some large companies like Deutsche Bank care about their public brand. Raising our concerns on social media is a great way to get our message across. Click the images below to access Deutsche Bank’s recent Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin posts.

Keep your comment polite, personalised and to the point. The bank will be more likely to listen to us if we’re respectful and clear in our ask. Make sure you ask Deutsche Bank to take no further part in arranging finance for Whitehaven Coal. 

Deutsche Bank Twitter
Deutsche Bank Facebook Deutsche Bank Linkedin

If you want more information, check out Market Force’s website.


EPA finds tyres dumped illegally by Whitehaven, August 2021

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