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Take Action to Protect the Northern Territory from Fracking

Right now, fracking for gas in the Northern Territory threatens water, country and our climate.

Gas companies have just started drilling gas wells in the Beetaloo Basin south of Darwin, and plan to frack them in the coming months during the wet season.

The federal government has the power to intervene by applying the water trigger to safeguard critical water resources in the NT-but they are yet to use it!

Sign the petition and tell federal Labor MP's to apply the water trigger to ensure fracking risks to water are properly assessed.

5,000 Signatures

2,623 Signatures
To Victorian Federal Labor MPs: We call on you to take urgent action to halt fracking projects in the Northern Territory by using the national water trigger and requiring proper assessments. Fracking poses severe risks to water, country, culture, and the climate, jeopardizing the future of our communities. Victoria has banned fracking due to the damage it does to water systems and agriculture. We shouldn't accept fracking in the Northern Territory without proper water assessments.

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Fracking for shale gas is an extremely water-intensive practice

That also uses a range of known or potentially dangerous and toxic chemicals.

Major concerns are held for the rivers, wetlands and groundwater aquifers of the Roper-Gulf region if gas fracking moves into full production.

The Beetaloo sub-basin includes the recharge area of the iconic Mataranka Springs and the internationally significant wetland, Jurrkulu-Ijibarda (‘Lake Woods’), which is the Territory's largest inland lake and has enormous cultural significance to Traditional Owners.

Call on Victorian federal Labor MP's to take action today

Sign the petition

The risks from fracking are far too great!

Australians are already living with more extreme weather events like fires, floods and heatwaves due to climate change, but fracking the NT will make it so much worse.

The future is in cheap, plentiful renewable energy that can save us all money on power and won’t wreck our rivers and climate.


You can help protect water, country and climate.

Sign the petition