Frackman tells the story of accidental activist, Dayne Pratzky and his struggle against international gas companies. Australia will soon become the world’s biggest gas exporter as more than 30,000 wells are sunk in the state of Queensland where Dayne lived, with many wells requiring controversial “fracking”.
Dayne embarks on a journey that transforms him from conservative pig-shooter at Tara on the Darling Downs to sophisticated global activist as “The Frackman”. He meets the people drawn into a battle that crosses the ideological divide, bringing together a peculiar alliance of farmers, activists and political conservatives. Along the way Dayne encounters love, tragedy and triumph.
Frackman has been screening throughout NSW to sell-out crowds since it won the prestigious Best Film and Best Environmental Film at the Byron Bay International Film Festival recently.
You can visit the site to view the trailer by clicking here
We look forward to seeing you there!