RSVP here to join to attend Hornsby Shire Climate Action’s campaign launch where locals say NO to gas and YES to renewables!
Right now, a gas company is trying to get approval to build a new fossil fuel gasfield near Narrabri in NW NSW.
Coal Seam Gas (CSG) is a dirty polluting fuel that will hold us back from meeting crucial climate targets. CSG leaks methane directly into the atmosphere from wellheads, pipelines and compressor stations.
In shires surrounding Narrabri, 98.7% of farmers oppose the Project. The Narrabri CSG field would drill 850 CSG wells right through the Great Artesian Basin – one of the greatest underground water reservoirs in the world.
As well as adding to climate chaos, the Narrabri CSG project would drain 37 billion litres of groundwater and produce 430,000 tonnes of toxic salt wastes over 25 years.
We rely on farmers to grow our food. We must show them support!
We need to tell our state representative Matt Kean to say NO to Gas! To do this, we must unite and let him know we don't want a polluting new gasfield built in NSW.
Join Hornsby Shire Climate Action at the Thornleigh Dog Park, Dawson Avenue, Thornleigh at 11:30am, on the 8th of March, to discuss how we can work together on this. We will bring snacks. This event is after a tree planting event at the nearby Thornleigh oval. You are welcome to join that too (visit Hornsby Shire Climate Action's Facebook events page for details).