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Lock the Gate welcomes new rules targeting overseas emissions from QLD's coal and gas

The Queensland Government has finalised its greenhouse gas guidelines for new high emitting projects, confirming it will consider emissions generated overseas when assessing new coal and gas developments.

The guidelines follow the landmark Queensland Land Court decision that refused Clive Palmer’s Waratah coal mine last year. For the first time, the court ruled against a coal mine based on the climate and consequent human rights impacts of its overseas emissions.

Lock the Gate Alliance National Coordinator Ellen Roberts said, “It’s heartening to see the Queensland Government committing to properly assessing the full climate impacts of new developments, including when coal and gas mined in Queensland is burnt overseas.

“We are also pleased to see there is now a clear expectation of direct greenhouse abatement at Queensland projects.

“However, these guidelines will only apply to new or modifying activities, so fail to address the problem of greenhouse gas emissions from existing coal and gas mines, including potent methane emissions.

“Methane has a potent short-term warming impact, so reducing it is an urgent priority, including from operating mines. Our research has shown that by 2030, the mining of coal will be the biggest source of pollution in Queensland but so far, no new measures have been introduced to prevent this pollution from accelerating climate change.

“This is in contrast to New South Wales where, from today, the state’s Environment Protection Agency will require existing coal mines and other high emitters to demonstrate how they’re reducing direct greenhouse gas pollution. 

“In the lead up to the Queensland election this year, it's important that all parties demonstrate how they’re going to tackle Queensland’s biggest domestic climate problem: methane from the mining of coal and gas.”


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Outrage as Albanese Government approves Vulcan South coal mine

December 20, 2024

Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek’s approval of a Central QLD coal project that cleared endangered koala habitat and began mining before government assessment was complete is the latest decision that exposes the Albanese Government’s total lack of environmental credentials.  

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