Stop the Conga Line of Coal Mines in NSW
Can you join us in a human conga line as we carry our petition to NSW Premier Chris Minns and call on him to stop the conga line of new coal mine expansions in NSW?
We’ll be starting at the NSW Premiers Office in Martin Place and forming a human conga line up to NSW Parliament. We’ll transfer the petition from person to person until it reaches Parliament.
There are 20 proposed coal expansions in NSW that will blow NSW climate targets out of the water. They include the biggest coal project ever proposed in NSW, the HVO expansion near Singleton, and the koala-killing Moolarben coal project near Mudgee.
Let’s turn out in force and make it clear that the people of NSW don’t want ever-expanding coal mines that drive climate chaos. Wear red and black to signal emergency and meet on the corner of Martin Place and Phillip Street.