Protect Queensland Farmland
There are nearly 16 000 coal seam gas wells drilled in Queensland - with many of them on some of Australia’s best agricultural land. The government must act urgently to protect farmland and water from the impacts of coal seam gas, such as water contamination, subsidence of farmland, dumped waste products and methane pollution. Will you sign the petition?
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Attn: Jarrod Bleijie
Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning:
Dear Mr Bleijie,
The undersigned calls on you to support farmers attempting to protect their land and water, and our food and fibre security, from the irreversible impacts of Coal Seam Gas mining.
This requires strict no-go zones for gas mining on Queensland’s most productive farmland, strong protections for underground water and closing the planning loopholes that allow gas companies to continue to expand on prime agricultural land.
This is an urgent issue for the people of Queensland and requires immediate action from the government to prevent further damage and allow Queensland farms to continue to feed and clothe our State and the world.