This is a Gecko and Lock the Gate Gold Coast run event, speaking out about the dangers of coal seam gas mining and supporting Tara residents and farmers affected by coal seam gas mining.
Don't worry about the weather - we will Rock the Gate inside the huge Expressive Ground building with speakers, music, information and merchandise tables, and photo display of gas fields, and blockades.
Brian Monk, Tara farmer, hear him tell you what it is like to be surrounded by gas wells, have flammable bore water, sick children
Peter Stackhouse, Farmer from Doubtful Creek, NSW. Hear him talk about the Protectors who blockaded, delayed Metgasco's drilling and sent them broke
Potts Driscoll, hear him talk about his month long walk to Gladstone Harbour and how he chained himself to the dredge.
Michael McNamara from Lock the Tweed. Hear him talk about the dirty business of mining and talk about the Northern Rivers blockades
Confirmed Bands: The Lamplights, Mother Nature's Orchestra, The Potts Family Band, Dan Hannaford, Marcus Blacke, Alan Buchan, The Twine, Wasted Talent (DJ) and much more
Stalls: Gecko, Knitting Nannas Against Gas, Chooks Against Gas, Girls Against Gas, Lock the Gate merchandise and information, Food, Drinks, clean/renewable energy information, and more to come.
If you would like to take part in this event or know of a suitable eco friendly activity or stall, please contact Kathleen via this event page. We are still sourcing food stalls, cold drink stalls, face painter, childrens' activities, fire twirlers in the evening, hoola hoops for children.
Raffle to be drawn at the event. Make sure you get tickets before the day or on the day.
This concert is supporting the Australia-wide Lock the Gate campaign which is raising community awareness of the health, social and environmental problems with the coal seam gas industry.
Now put it in your diary - be part of a fast growing community movement to protect our land, water, air and health.
Full details on the Facebook event.