Are you ready to...
- Meet people living in the heart of coal mining country and hear their stories?
- Meet locals working to protect land, water, and people from the impacts of mining?
- Help build a movement for a flourishing post-coal future for mining communities?
Yes? Then we want you on our Hunter Valley Coal Community Survey Blitz on Saturday 20th October!
Join us as we hit the streets of Singleton to ask local people what they think about the coal industry and its future in the region.
You don't need to be an expert on coal, you just need to care what local people think. We do our community surveys in teams, with simple prepared questions. It's easy and rewarding!
Enjoy an afternoon BBQ with the locals
On Saturday afternoon after we've finished the survey blitz, we'll all head to Rose Point Park , down by the river for a BBQ with the locals. There's a playground, walking tracks by the river and plenty of space to enjoy a hard-earned beverage and meal together.
Getting to Singleton
Need a ride or have one to offer? We have people travelling to the blitz from Newcastle and Sydney, and rides are available. If you need a ride, or if you have car seats to spare, please contact Dan from Lock The Gate on the details below.