Please write a very short message, in your own words, to the Independent Planning Commission and the NSW Government for rejecting the risky Bylong coal mine. Congratulate them for listening to the experts and protecting this incredible area for its rich soils, precious groundwater and unique heritage values. This means the historic Tarwyn Park property, the home of Natural Sequence Farming, will not be mined.
Thanks for saving Bylong!
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Showing 30 reactions
Fi Osborn commented 2019-09-22 02:38:49 +1000Thank you for saying no to the coal mine & preserving our country!!! :D
Denise Lytle commented 2019-09-22 02:22:55 +1000
Anne Rich commented 2019-09-21 23:58:30 +1000Thank you for doing the right thing for our country.
Pauline Aw commented 2019-09-21 23:01:49 +1000Thank you so much for saving this important part of Australia for us. Not only is it valuable ecologically and historically but economically for food,water and tourism.
Sue Storry commented 2019-09-21 22:11:44 +1000Thank you so much, we need more people like you all, who tell it as it is, and are not pressured by the big guns. Our environment is precious and irreplaceable and we must preserve it as is or use it sustainably, thank you thank you
Albert Martin commented 2019-09-21 21:49:53 +1000My grandchildren will thank you for helping to save their world.
Anne Wharton commented 2019-09-21 21:12:06 +1000Congratulations on your decision to reject the Bylong coal mine – this is a courageous decision which will protect the environment so it can be enjoyed by generations to come.
Alison Leitch commented 2019-09-21 20:59:58 +1000Thanks for saving Bylong – no more coal anywhere please……Keep it in the ground for the sake of our children and grandchildren.
Kerri Smith commented 2019-09-21 20:55:24 +1000Thank you for doing your job! Thank you for doing it competently, for heeding the science and experts, for respecting health and life and treating the legislation in the manner for which it was (or should have been) intended. This is wonderful news for us today, and for future generations.
Brooke Cunningham commented 2019-09-21 20:28:35 +1000Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for thinking into the future and considering generations to come when making the decision to reject the Bylong Coal mine. I applaud the courage it has taken to say no to this corporate greed and instead voting to protect biodiversity, soil, water and history in this area – not to mention Tarwyn Park – a showcase for Natural Sequence Farming and the potential that this way of farming has for our agricultural future in Australia.
King Regards
Brooke -
Helen Redmond commented 2019-09-21 20:15:42 +1000Thank you so much for saving Bylong from coal mining! NSW and Australia is a better place with one less new coal development. You have set an important precedent. The local community and all of us who care about our health and future are rejoicing!
Keith Anderson commented 2019-09-21 20:09:36 +1000Thanks to everyone that helped save the Bylong Valley which I first drove through 2 yrs.ago at age 83 and wished I’d known about it when I was looking for a property in the ’80s. A beautiful rural area and at last some common sense has prevailed and it will not be destroyed forever by mining. I hope to get back up there to have a slower look, and I hope you have some good rain soon.
Simon Leadbeater commented 2019-09-21 20:07:13 +1000Thankyou for rejection the Bylong coal mine and protecting the valley.
Gabriel Mackenzie commented 2019-09-21 19:35:54 +1000Thank you for acting responsibly & in line with science. Thank you for saying NO to an industry which has corrupted our democracy & has bought decisions in its favour. Thank you on behalf of farmers & all living beings dependent on clean air & water. Thank you for actually giving real weight in your decision to the natural environment, seeing that it has intrinsic value as opposed to simply being a resource for the exploitation of mankind & the profit of a few. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Kim Loo commented 2019-09-21 19:32:49 +1000Thank you for a decision that ensures that this precious place is for the community. Clean water and air, a stable climate, healthy ecological system is required for human physical and mental wellbeing. The mining and burning fossil fuels impact on each one of these determinants of health.
Lorraine Gibbs commented 2019-09-21 19:29:52 +1000This is a marvellous decision to prevent the establishment of a coal mine in the Bylong Valley. Thank you for your wise insight which gives hope not only to local residents but to all of us who wish to preserve the earth in the best possible way.
Tanya Douglass commented 2019-09-21 19:15:47 +1000Thank you for considering the environment over profit.
It’s the only way. Thanks for leading the way. -
Alexis Clarke commented 2019-09-21 19:03:12 +1000Thank you for stopping this mine. There are so many reasons I’m thankful for your decision such as saving a beautiful area, keeping water safer, keeping the planet safer. It made my day so much happier. Thank you also on behalf of my 5 year old who has a better chance of a liveable planet with more decisions like this.
Kind regards
Alexis Clarke -
Carlos Catano commented 2019-09-21 18:44:55 +1000Thanks for rejecting the Bylong coal mine.
Bernadette Mullaney commented 2019-09-21 18:18:48 +1000I am extremely grateful that the good stewardship of the Bylong valley can continue. Thank you for considering the principle of intergenerational equity and climate change as well as groundwater, heritage and the preservation of best agricultural soils.
Patricia Fitzgerald commented 2019-09-21 17:43:28 +1000Well done! Great outcome!
Vanessa Wright commented 2019-09-21 17:30:47 +1000This is such good news. Thank you for putting a stop to this coal mining madness. This fertile ground feeds the body and soul for so many.
Helene Kemelfielz commented 2019-09-21 17:27:19 +1000A timely, well deserved Victory which makes us trust the Planning Commission, encourages us to go on with the Good Fight and incites me to go and visit this paradisiac valley, Hope for the planet!!
Carol Iles commented 2019-09-21 17:04:46 +1000Congratulations on rejecting a mine that would wreck so much and risk more, particularly precious water in a drying climate here.
Leanne Brittan commented 2019-09-21 16:47:05 +1000Thank you – —— !!!!
Denise Thompson commented 2019-09-21 16:35:01 +1000Thank you so much for refusing to allow coal to be mined in the Bylong valley.
Pamela Watson commented 2019-09-21 16:27:13 +1000Thank you for your long-range decision-making for our future groundwater and agricultural reserves in the Bylong Valley area.
Vanessa Blakeley commented 2019-09-21 16:20:54 +1000Thankyou for your considered, intelligent, and conscionable decision making and the hope it brings.
Kim Donnelly commented 2019-09-21 16:16:41 +1000Thank you for making a highly intelligent and enlightened decision saving the Bylong. Well done, I know many hours of research would have been done, but most of all you LISTENED to the evidence and the people, and were in a position to take action. This is so very much appreciated. Thank you for taking action for our children and for the children of tomorrow. Keep up the good work! :)
Lois Doeven commented 2019-09-21 15:58:03 +1000Thank you for placing high value, long term farming land above the destructive practices of coal mining. All of us are very grateful