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Thanks for saving Bylong!

Please write a very short message, in your own words, to the Independent Planning Commission and the NSW Government for rejecting the risky Bylong coal mine.  Congratulate them for listening to the experts and protecting this incredible area for its rich soils, precious groundwater and unique heritage values. This means the historic Tarwyn Park property, the home of Natural Sequence Farming, will not be mined.

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Showing 30 reactions

  • Olga Kosterin
    commented 2019-09-20 18:31:07 +1000
    Thank you for sparing the Bylong Valley from Despoilinment by coal mining.
  • Fiona Kelly
    commented 2019-09-20 18:28:33 +1000
    Thank you so much for this fantastic, sensible decision. It is comforting to know that these massive companies do not always win
  • Patricia Spaul
    commented 2019-09-20 18:23:04 +1000
    THank you for saving the beautiful Bylong Valley.
  • Colleen O'Loughlin
    commented 2019-09-20 18:04:19 +1000
    Thank you for doing the right thing.
  • Lauren Rymills
    commented 2019-09-20 17:46:34 +1000
    Thank you so much for saving Bylong! I have genuine tears that someone cares about our beautiful country, please help to protect more of it, we dont want dirty oil and dont want to end up destroyed like America!

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!
  • Helena Manos
    commented 2019-09-20 17:46:16 +1000
    Excellent. Intelligent, far-reaching decision to disallow a coal mine
  • Jacquie Myers
    commented 2019-09-20 17:40:21 +1000
    Thank you NSW ENVIRONMENT Commission, at last a government department listening to its people, and have the foresight to look beyond to the future. Water will be the new gold not short term coal interest.

    It is a BIG PITY QLD GOVERNMENT cannot look beyond coal and $$$ and look to the future of preserving water resources e.g. the Great Artesian Basin threat and the Carmichael project ( Adani)).
  • Graham Durrant
    commented 2019-09-20 17:22:07 +1000
    Great news.we need more commitment like this towards the environment.

    We only have one choice but its the correct one.big thank you.
  • Jenie Taylor
    commented 2019-09-20 17:16:23 +1000
    Australia thanks you for rejecting the Bylong coal mine
  • Christine O'Friel
    commented 2019-09-20 17:13:30 +1000
    Wonderful news for all in particular our children’s children etc Thank you Sir❤️
  • Mary-Anne Purkiss
    commented 2019-09-20 16:57:19 +1000
    Thank you for saving this valuable farming district from mining.

    I’m sure the wisdom of this decision will increasingly become evident as our need for good farming land and undistutbed bush lands increases with population growth and current unusually hot and dry seasons.
  • Victoria Hawthorne
    commented 2019-09-20 16:44:10 +1000
    Best decision ever Independent Planning Commission. You rock.

    What a relief, it makes me have belief that we can actually save ourselves from greed induced destruction. Please deliver the same to Adani and the Carmichael Mine

    The planet (and I) thank you.
  • Denis Rothwell
    commented 2019-09-20 16:34:47 +1000
    The IPC has made the correct decision here, in turning down the Kepco mine. Future generations will be grateful for preserving this beautiful and productive area.
  • Jill C
    commented 2019-09-20 16:21:11 +1000
    Thank you so much for doing this. There is so little time left and in a world where nearly all the decisions made are the wrong ones – its wonderful to know that at least some people understand what needs to be done.
  • Shanley Del
    commented 2019-09-20 16:19:38 +1000
    thanks. now, what else have you got..?
  • Karen Neubauer
    commented 2019-09-20 16:14:09 +1000
    Thank you SO much for making the right decision!

    For the people, for the environment and for the planet.
  • dianne hauber
    commented 2019-09-20 16:10:09 +1000
    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Well done. I am so happy.
  • Godfrey Davies
    commented 2019-09-20 16:09:05 +1000
    The only reasonable and safe choice to make, Thankyou in appreciation
  • Rita Fessler
    commented 2019-09-20 16:06:00 +1000
    Thanks from the bottom of my heart for doing the right thing. We have to protect Mother Earth with all means because there is no planet B!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!
  • Louise Brogan
    commented 2019-09-20 16:04:34 +1000
    Thank you so very much to the Independent Planning Commission and the NSW Government. This beautiful piece of New South Wales will now stay that way, thanks to this landmark decision.
  • James B Nutting
    commented 2019-09-20 16:03:48 +1000
    Thank you so very much for your decision regarding the proposed mine in the Bylong Valley.
  • Megan Hyatt
    commented 2019-09-20 16:01:53 +1000
    Thank you to the Independent Planning Commission and the NSW Government for rejecting the risky Bylong coal mine, and therefore saving the beautiful Bylong Valley and Tarwyn Park.
  • Megan Hyatt
    commented 2019-09-20 15:57:33 +1000
    Thank you so very much for saving the beautiful Bylong Valley and Tarwyn Park. This is a victory for clear thinking and carefully considering the facts. Thank you!
  • Tracey Welch
    commented 2019-09-20 15:56:04 +1000
    Fantastic…..lets keep it that way…..too many mines in Australia….destroying our water resources and unfortunately killing our environment….let along climate change!!!
  • Linda Pemberton
    commented 2019-09-20 15:53:26 +1000
    From myself ,my children, my grandchildren and all their future children,

    We want to thank the Independent Planning Commission and NSW Government for a fantastic decision .
  • Ann Herder
    commented 2019-09-20 15:47:02 +1000
    Thankyou NSW Independent Planning Commission.

    You have made the right decision!

    It is heartening that common sense and foresight prevails in Australia.

    Coal is no longer the answer to our needs. And ruining perfectly good land for growing would be criminal. Leaving vegetation for air quality, habitat and serenity, is imperative too. The water table is also so crucial. Contamination is too easy and with no return. I applaud your scrutiny and sound judgement.

    This is a great moment in time.

    Cheers to you! Clever thinkers and doers!
  • Susanne Hurst
    commented 2019-09-20 14:46:46 +1000
    Susanne Hurst, Sydney.

    Well done! Hope you get a raise!
  • Kerrie Chandler
    commented 2019-09-20 14:29:47 +1000
    Thanks for your hard work and tireless effort to save a piece of our special country. Now to take on the ADANI giant.
  • Mark Mc Donnell
    commented 2019-09-20 14:24:28 +1000
    Climate change is real!

    Thank you for making the correct decision.
  • Jackie Davis
    commented 2019-09-20 14:09:50 +1000
    Thank you SO much for working hard on all our behalves to bring about this result! I can tend to feel hopeless about making a difference. This result encourages me to keep working. SO impressive!!!