New South Wales is blessed with rich fertile farmland, clean fresh water and beautiful rural landscapes. Yet all this is at risk!
Our work in New South Wales addresses the twin threats that coal mining and coal seam gas pose to groundwater, farmland, culture and communities.
Our state is at a cross-roads and regional communities want clean air, secure water and jobs. We can choose to have all three if we work together.
In the North West of New South Wales, we work with the North West Alliance to protect the Pilliga and its groundwater from the threat of coal seam gas.
Many of those same communities are also struggling to protect farmland and water resources from the impact of Whitehaven Coal's destructive coal mines, including the yet-unbuilt Vickery mine near Boggabri.
Hunter Coal Mines- The Hunter has been a mining region for two centuries, but in recent years, coal companies have expanded into more and more sensitive areas, hemming in villages with larger and larger mines, making more noise, more dust and driving out sustainable rural industries. Read more...
Hunter Renewal- The Hunter region's proud coal mining communities have powered the state's economy and now need support to diversify so they can continue to prosper. Check out the Hunter Renewal project and support Hunter Valley people charting their road to renewal.
Will you add your support to the Hunter Renewal Roadmap?
The Narrabri Gas Project- Santos proposes up to 850 wells on 425 well pads over 95,000 hectares in the Pilliga Forest and adjacent farmland. This massive project is currently undergoing assessment in the NSW planning system. Find out more here...
Namoi Valley Coal Mines- The Namoi Valley is part of the Murray Darling Basin and hosts some of New South Wales’ most productive farmland. Across the region, farmland, forests and water are under threat from coal mine expansions...
Coal mining in Sydney's water catchment- Underground coal mining has been occurring in Sydney’s drinking water catchment for many decades, but in the last fifteen years the scale of mining has started harming the catchment. Learn more...
Would you like to get involved and help create a sustainable future for our state?
Hover over the image below to view a slide show of the massive 10,000 people strong Time2Choose rally in Sydney on March 24th 2018 (click on image to view slideshow in Flickr)