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Time2Choose Volunteer Info Night


   Sydney #Time2Choose Vollie Info Night


NSW is at a crossroads, One road leads to destructive coal and gas mining.

The other road leads to a future where community well being comes first, and communities are given the right to oppose coal and gas mining. A future where Indigenous cultural heritage is respected, and our freshwater catchments are protected from destructive mining.

It's time for every day people like you and I to decide what kind of future we want. It's Time to send a clear message to the government of the future we envision, the future of clean air, water and energy.

On March 24 people from all over NSW will unite to send a message to the major political parties that we want our air, water resources, and land protected from invasive coal and gas mining! And that we want a future powered by the Sun and Wind!

To make sure we’re sending a clear and powerful message, we need your help! to make it one of the biggest rally's Sydney has ever seen!

Join us for an evening of brainstorming, training and skill-sharing, and to find out how you could help us make history with this rally!

For more information call Marina at 0413949141 or Jacqui Mumford at 0411 075 875

January 24, 2018
6pm - 8pm
Nature Conservation Office
338 Pitt St
Sydney , NSW 2000
Google map and directions
Marina · · 0413949141
Len Hobbs Robert Skappel Caitlin McMahon
Who's RSVPing
Len Hobbs
Robert Skappel
Caitlin McMahon

Will you come?

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  • Len Hobbs
    rsvped 2018-01-20 17:04:12 +1100
  • Robert Skappel
    posted about this on Facebook 2018-01-19 22:51:40 +1100
    Please RSVP: Time2Choose Volunteer Info Night
  • Robert Skappel
    rsvped +1 2018-01-19 22:51:13 +1100
  • Caitlin McMahon
    rsvped +1 2018-01-19 22:10:22 +1100