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Donations to the Lock the Gate Fund of $2.00 or more are tax-deductible.

Protect Mid West WA from Fracking

We are at a crucial moment in the campaign to protect WA from fracking. The Inquiry could report any time from August with an approval to frack following quickly.

The unconventional gas industry is exploring in many new areas and the Government is providing funds to promote and accelerate exploration.

We need to drastically increase our impact in the next 6 months and massively increase the pressure on the WA Government in order to achieve our goals.

In particular, we want to:

1. Organise a major event in Perth in late 2018 to demonstrate widespread opposition to fracking in WA, with a strong contingent from the Mid West

2. Ramp up the number of communities who have conducted surveys and declared themselves Gasfield Free.

In order to achieve this, we are seeking to raise funds to engage a Midlands Coordinator to help take the campaign to the next level.