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Water is Life: Don't Frack Northern Australia

Fracking poses a massive risk to water – iconic Northern Territory water sources like the mighty Roper River and the recharge zones for the Mataranka Hot Springs are under threat, as is the Fitzroy River catchment in the Kimberley in Western Australia. 

But measures in place in national environmental laws to assess the impacts of gas drilling on water resources, do not apply to fracking in Northern Australia. That means there is no independent expert assessment of water impacts and no decision by the Federal Environment Minister. 

The Federal Labor Government promised before the last election to fix this gaping loophole, but they haven't delivered yet.  Traditional Owners and residents from across northern Australia are calling for urgent action to keep that promise.

Sign this petition to Environment Minister Plibersek today to get urgent reforms so that the impacts of gas fracking on water sources is independently assessed under national environment laws.

Dear Minister Plibersek,

Thank you for committing to expand the water trigger to cover shale and tight gas fracking as part of the national environmental law reforms.

However, we can’t wait until next year to get our water protected, because gas companies are pushing ahead to get gas production approvals this year.

We’re calling on you to bring forward the expanded water trigger now, so that the severe risk fracking poses to water is properly assessed by independent experts before any gas production occurs.

Please respect Territorians and West Australians who want the same protections for water that exist for east coast gas activities.

Signed sincerely,

Who's signing
Ian Avila
Liora Claff
Rowena Pettigrew
Patricia Takahashi
Christine Degan
Alanah Jeffries
Barbara Fitzpatrick
Graham Dormer
Lisa Hayward
Bree McDonald
Gail Faulkner
Tracey Carpenter
Wendy Blake
Cathy Gill
Margaret Klucis
Colin Ritchie
Andrew Fraser
Rodger Richards
Agostino Giuffre
Libby Pender
Hugh Alderson
Andrew Fraser
Peter Evans
Vito Napoli
Tony Bennett
Helen Cogga
Lisa McManus
Christine T Ryan
Kurt Massmann
Asma Syeda

10,000 Signatures

9,184 Signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 30 reactions

  • Ian Avila
    signed via 2025-01-13 07:01:43 +1100
  • Liora Claff
    signed 2025-01-12 11:51:04 +1100
    Mataranka is one of the most beautiful spots on earth. Please have the foresight to conserve it for future generations.
  • Rowena Pettigrew
    signed 2024-12-25 16:20:54 +1100
    Fracking means short term profits for mostly overseas investors while our bed (which we have to continue to lie in) is sh*t in, to put it bluntly. Long term pain for Australians and wildlife & nature, short term profits for businesses who will declare bankruptcy in future rather than be responsible for decades of clean up. fracking is absolute madness. DONT FRACK THE NT. Or anywhere in Australia.
  • Patricia Takahashi
    signed 2024-09-09 22:02:44 +1000
  • Christine Degan
    signed 2024-09-09 09:22:35 +1000
  • Alanah Jeffries
    signed 2024-09-09 07:17:11 +1000
  • Barbara Fitzpatrick
    signed via 2024-07-11 16:53:10 +1000
  • Graham Dormer
    signed via 2024-06-09 14:26:08 +1000
    irresponsible short term gains
  • Lisa Hayward
    signed 2024-05-21 18:54:46 +1000
  • Bree McDonald
    signed 2024-04-19 10:21:41 +1000
  • Gail Faulkner
    signed 2024-04-11 10:14:25 +1000
  • Tracey Carpenter
    signed 2024-04-09 17:19:10 +1000
  • Wendy Blake
    signed 2024-04-03 23:08:04 +1100
  • Cathy Gill
    signed 2024-03-22 11:10:24 +1100
    Water is life. Respect Traditioal Owners and country.
  • Margaret Klucis
    signed 2024-02-15 15:34:23 +1100
  • Colin Ritchie
    signed 2024-02-15 14:09:37 +1100
  • Andrew Fraser
    signed 2024-02-14 10:08:49 +1100
  • Rodger Richards
    signed 2024-02-09 15:32:13 +1100
  • Agostino Giuffre
    signed 2024-02-09 06:55:41 +1100
  • Libby Pender
    signed 2024-02-08 21:09:00 +1100
  • Hugh Alderson
    signed 2024-02-08 17:37:39 +1100
  • Andrew Fraser
    signed 2024-02-08 14:44:52 +1100
  • Peter Evans
    signed 2024-02-08 13:12:26 +1100
  • Vito Napoli
    signed 2024-02-08 12:12:14 +1100
  • Tony Bennett
    signed 2024-02-08 12:10:12 +1100
    Crazy to think Fracking doesn’t hurt the environment
  • Helen Cogga
    signed 2024-02-08 11:31:34 +1100
  • Lisa McManus
    signed 2024-02-08 10:50:04 +1100
    Once it’s gone it’s gone! We have unlimited sunshine in Australia. Solar all the way. No fracking or gas ever again!!
  • Christine T Ryan
    signed 2024-02-08 10:11:13 +1100
  • Kurt Massmann
    signed 2024-02-08 08:35:52 +1100
  • Asma Syeda
    signed 2024-02-06 09:39:30 +1100