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Please chip in with a small gift to protect the magnificent Channel Country floodplains and wetlands.

The Channel Country rivers of western Queensland feed Lake Eyre, the living heart of Australia. These rivers are among the last undeveloped rivers on the planet and quite possibly the last intact desert rivers in the world.

This area has been globally recognised for it’s ecological, scientific and cultural values but is now under threat from dangerous shale gas fracking.

Shale gas exploration licences now cover the vast majority of the Channel Country. If shale gas fracking goes ahead, it would seriously affect not only the pristine landscapes and wetlands but also the world renowned organic beef and rapidly growing tourism industries.

The impacts of a fully-blown shale gas fracking industry in the Channel Country could include:

  • Up to 10,000 shale gas wells and heavy industrialisation of the landscape
  • Vast quantities of water being used for fracking, depleting important water sources
  • Major negative impacts to the organic beef industry
  • Damage to outstanding indigenous cultural heritage values
  • Despoilation of landscapes that support a vibrant and growing tourism industry

Your small gift today will help us to protect this magnificent place, and the people who live there. All donations go directly towards meeting our objectives of protecting water resources, farmland and environmentally sensitive areas and informing the wider Australian community about the impacts of uncontrolled mining.

Donations to Lock the Gate are tax-deductible.

Lock the Gate operates in accordance with a privacy policy, which is available for download here.


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Contributions are tax deductible.