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Qld Election Survey

Lock the Gate Candidate Survey for 2015 Qld Election

The People's Common Rights and Provisions Bill

1.  If elected, will you and your party support the People's Common Rights and Provisions Bill?  Yes/No

The right to say 'no' to mining

2.  If elected, will you and your party give communities, landholders and Indigenous Traditional Owners the right to protect land and water resources by refusing access to coal and gas mining companies where they so choose?  Yes/No

The right to our livelihoods and good health

3.  If elected, will you and your party:

3.1.  Mandate strict limits on air, light and noise pollution and prohibit coal and gas mining within 2km of all homes, residential zones and urban areas? Yes/No

3.2.  Put in place special measures to assess and protect existing industries such as agriculture, tourism and manufacturing from the negative impacts of mining? Yes/No

3.3.  Place a moratorium on any further CSG production approvals or any further exploration licences until a thorough, longitudinal independent health study has been conducted? Yes/No

3.4.  Cover coal wagons and adopt world's best practice for management of coal stockpiles and transport, and require extensive independent air quality testing and health assessments around coal mines? Yes/No

3.5.  Overturn the decision to approve the Acland Stage 3 coal mine? Yes/No

The right to our common wealth - the land, water and clean air

4.  If elected, will you and your party:

4.1.  Prohibit new coal or LNG ports in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, and prohibit dumping of dredge spoil in the WHA or sensitive environmental areas like the Caley Valley wetlands? Yes/No

4.2.  Prohibit disposal of waste water from coal and gas mining into creeks and rivers? Yes/No

4.3.  Create legislated no go zones to protect important water resources, agricultural lands and natural areas from coal and gas mining, including Brisbane's drinking water catchment? Yes/No

4.4.  Re-enact full Wild River protections in the Channel Country and elsewhere where it is sought by Traditional Owners and graziers? Yes/No

4.5.  Require coal and gas companies to buy licences for underground water they extract or interfere with, and any surface water diversions they propose, during their mining operations? Yes/No

4.6.  Require any make good agreements by CSG companies with landholders to deliver the same quality and volume of water that was available to the landholder originally, and to also meet the needs of future generations for water security? Yes/No

4.7.  Conduct a full cumulative water balance of the impacts of the five coal mines approved  in the Galilee Basin prior to any work being done to construct these mines? Yes/No

The right to object and have objections heard

5.  If elected, will you and your party:

5.1.  Reinstate broad public objection and appeal rights for coordinated projects and all Environmental Authorities and Mining Leases, and provide third party enforcement rights and increases in penalties for breaches of the law by mining companies? Yes/No

5.2.  Conduct a far-reaching investigation into Gladstone Harbour LNG and coal port developments over the last four years? Yes/No

5.3.  Require upfront rehabilitation bonds for coal and gas companies to meet the full cost of repairing the damage they do and mandate progressive rehabilitation?   Yes/No

5.4.  Instigate a three-tiered strategy of insurance to protect landholders for liability for damage caused by coal and gas companies? Yes/No

The right to clean politics

6.  If elected, will you and your party:

6.1.  Increase the powers of the CCC to match those held by the Independent Commission Against Corruption in NSW? Yes/No

6.2.  Place limits on, or prohibit, political donations from developers and mining companies and require real-time reporting of political donations? Yes/No

6.3.  Implement cooling off periods (2 year minimum) for staff moving between government and mining and implement far-reaching lobbyist reforms? Yes/No

6.4.  Transfer the planning assessment and approval on all mines to the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection? Yes/No

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