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50 Brisbane Residents Support Landholders in Alpha Court Case

50 Brisbane community members have gathered outside the Land Court of Queensland today to show their support for three Alpha landholders, making their case against the Hancock coal ‘Alpha’ project.


Three landholders from the Alpha region will present affidavits and evidence to support their case against the mine, today. They will be cross-examined by Hancock coal.

Over 30 people stayed to witness the proceedings in the land court, presided over by member Smith.

One landholder objecting to the mine, Paola Cassoni, is objecting to the mine based on concerns about the impacts of the mine on regional groundwater, including her property, which would neighbour the mine.

“I am concerned about the potential impact of the mine on our property’s bores and the possibility that “make good” water will fail,”

“Our region is groundwater dependent, this is just the first mine that will be allowed to pump out regional aquifers.”



Five objectors: Coast and Country Assn QLD, Kathryn Kelly, Paola Cassoni, the Curries and the Andersons have filed separate objections in the land court against the granting of a Mining Lease and Environmental Authority to GVK Hancock Coal for their Alpha mine. 

Issues brought up by objectors include impacts on ground and surface water, the economics of the project and greenhouse gas emissions from the coal mined.

Photos available here.

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