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Lock the Gate (LTG) is working with local communities in the face of dozens of big new and expanding coal mines, hundreds of gasfield licences and new pipeline projects across three states (WA, NSW, Qld) and the Northern Territory.
Over 37% of the Australian landmass is covered in coal and petroleum licences and applications. We're up against coal seam gas, tight gas, shale gas and coal, wet gas, shale and tight sands oil and diesel. Abandoned open cut mines and pollution, and fugitive methane emissions. We're taking on some of the biggest mining and extraction companies in Australia.
We stand with locals to stop inappropriate mines and gas drilling. We're working closely with Traditional Owners, farmers, pastoralists and local communities. And our past successes have shown that our model of working alongside, supporting, upskilling and resourcing communities works.
We call on companies to clean up their acts. We hold governments to account. And we collaborate with experts in a range of fields to expose the folly of the current agenda of rampant coal and gas expansions in Australia.
Faced with the extraordinary capture of our governments by the mining industry and enmeshed in a struggle against many of the largest companies in the world, communities have chosen grace under fire and displayed incredible courage, integrity and imagination. Against all the odds people are taking back their power and peacefully building one of the greatest social movements this country has ever seen.
There are hundreds of First Nations people in the network fighting for water, culture and country. Farmers and pastoralists are speaking up for protections of our food producing lands alongside rural townspeople and urban dwellers. Tourism operators are fighting to keep areas pristine and water clear while trying to run a business.
From the tip of the Kimberley to the far reaches of Tasmania, we have collaborated to build the capacity of regional alliances. Resourcing and connecting hundreds of local groups in local, regional and national campaings. Working together, we have supported over 460 communities to declare themselves coal and gasfield free. More than 73 local Councils have got involved in standing up to mining projects and applications.
We employ a team of approximately 35 staff and contractors who all bring unique knowledge and broad skills, local connections and gutsy input to campaigns across the country. LTG staff are passionate about the work we do to protect Australian communities from coal and gas. Many of our team give up better paid jobs and their family commitments to give this work everything they have. Our staff are ably supported by the six Directors of LTG who willingly donate their time.
Together, LTG and our collaborators have achieved incredible things on a shoe string budget, given the scale of these nation-wide campaigns. Donations fund everything we do. They cover travel costs for remote community members to participate in decision making right across Australia. They enable us to commission expert scientific, legal and economic reports that demonstrate the risks of coal and gas, plus the opportunities for clean energy and water protection.
Donations mean we can provide media and technical support to landholders and communities in their David and Goliath battles against Big Mining. And as a result damaging projects have been stopped in their tracks or met with a far greater level of scrutiny.
From signs on gates, to access to legal and scientific support, Lock the Gate is on the front line across Australia. We are standing up for, and alongside, people around the country who are facing the impacts of inappropriate coal and gas mining.
We're in the community hall, in the council office or helping to get the voices of ordinary Australians in the halls of Parliament. We're in the paddocks with farmers and on country with First Nations peoples seeing exactly what is at risk. We're on country with First Nations Peoples listening to their stories and knowledge of their land.
We are up against incredible forces - the multi-billion-dollar coal and gas lobby. And politicians who are beholden to their mining industry donors and couldn't care less about the impacts on communities, climate and country.
Our $2 million a year operating budget, and the support of the vast majority of Australians, makes the enormous scale of this work possible.