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Julie Devine Community Small Grants Program

Lock the Gate has launched a new small grants program which is accessible to local community organisations and groups who wish to undertake activities that are consistent with our purpose and values.

We will make a number of small grants of up to $2,000 available.

About the Program

We have named this program in memory of our cherished colleague, Julie Devine, who passed away in 2019. Julie was a part of Lock the Gate for many years and did incredible work with communities in southern Queensland to fight off coal and gas developments.

Julie was a deeply committed, creative and energetic campaigner and an extraordinarily kind and joyful person who gave so much to her work with communities. We believe it is a fitting tribute to her contribution to our movement to name this program in her honour. 

Who can apply?

Non-profit local community groups that are incorporated associations or which are unincorporated but have at least 20 members can apply for small grants. Groups must be not-for-profit and must share objects or goals similar to those of Lock the Gate.

Local community groups may apply for these at any time during the financial year.  Lock the Gate will advertise the grants on our website and will also inform Lock the Gate supporter groups at the start of each financial year.

Generally, grants will be made for activities that take place within 6-12 months of the grant being awarded. Activities over a longer time period may be supported, at the discretion of Lock the Gate.

Activities that may be funded

  •         Creating and distributing printed materials;
  •         Holding events, undertaking scientific investigations;
  •         Creating videos, theatre, costumes or art work;
  •         Research and report writing;
  •         Door-knocking and leafleting;
  •         Purchase of equipment or technical support needed for the groups’ advocacy and outreach activities.

Lock the Gate will not fund activities that are not consistent with our charitable purpose and values.

Considerations in awarding grants 

When considering whether to make a grant, Lock the Gate may consider:

  •         The capacity and purpose of the group making the application
  •         The campaign, community and social context in which the activities are proposed to take place
  •         Whether the activities are consistent with Lock the Gate’s strategic plan
  •         The impact of the proposed activities, including their capacity-building impact, and any environmental or social impact.

Download Application Form

Apply Online Here