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Arrow to take farmers to court to access their properties

In response to clarifications issued today that Arrow does intend to use the courts as necessary to access QLD farmers' land for CSG gasfields, Chinchilla resident Shay Dougall said:

"Arrow should hang their heads in shame today, now responding to say that despite their friendly words in a public meeting, they will NOT allow landholders to say NO.

"They are now reserving their right to take farmers to Land Court to access farming properties. What a shocking thing to have to clarify to the public - that in fact they will force CSG onto local people and force them to live in a gasfield. 
"It's now clear that the landholders' right to the peaceful enjoyment of their property is trumped by the gas industry needs and that the government sanctions this. 
"Forcing farmers to live in a gasfields is an extraordinary aspect to this CSG industry. Its primacy over our community and environment surely must give us the most pause.
"Despite the industry's position, there are a number of stanch landholders who have proved that they can lock their gates and they will stay locked to this gas industry.

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  • Heather Black
    commented 2017-12-15 05:38:18 +1100
    Put up those trespass signs folks and let’s get some top legal advice re trespass laws asa possible!
    It takes a referendum to change trespass laws.( Possibly some mining laws or rights may trump this but I’m not a lawyer so let’s spend some dollars on TOP LEGAL ADVICE!!!!)
    Fee simple
    Freehold title
    It’s time we understood this!
  • Judith Mary Gatland
    commented 2017-12-14 19:28:13 +1100
    I wish to register my outrage re this state-sanctioned takeover of private property for purpose of harvesting fossil fuel which I also abhor!