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Asbestos Contamination - CSG companies ignore health and safety of workers

The National President of the Lock the Gate Alliance, Drew Hutton has slammed the coal seam gas companies for lack of accountability and recklessness with today's announcement that asbestos has been found in its drilling fluids.

"These drilling fluids are injected into the drilling hole and into the aquifers adding to the possibility of contamination of those aquifers but Origin, along with other CSG companies, have been telling us for years that these fluids are completely harmless.

"Now we find they are contaminated by one of the most dangerous substances for human health.
"The Queensland Government must bear its share of the blame for this debacle as it has failed allocate environmental authorities that give clear guidelines about such materials being used by companies," Mr Hutton said. 

Link to SBS breaking story here



Drew Hutton, National President Lock the Gate Alliance ph: 0428487110

Kate Dennehy, Qld Campaign Coordinator LTG ph: 0419 432 624


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