LAST YEAR, Battle For Berrima called for volunteers to assist in a democratic Coal Free Community survey and a team of 25 volunteers was formed.
Throughout November and December, volunteers door-knocked their way through every street in Berrima and Medway, distributing information and asking residents if they wanted their community to be coal free.
We are preparing for a short, celebratory community event:
Saturday 6 February at 10:30 am in the heart of Berrima, Market Place.
At this event, Battle For Berrima will announce the survey results, which underline the fact an overwhelming majority want Berrima & Medway declared a 'Coal Free Community'.
What we would love is for you, your family and friends to be part of this historic day as Berrima & Medway each become a 'Coal Free Community'. Please dress colourfully, feel free to bring a Battle For Berrima sign (we will also have signs at the event) and get ready to witness each street's 'Coal Free' declaration being handed to Wingecarribee Shire Council's Mayor.