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Community support for Ian Moore at court case

Representatives from various groups in the Hunter Valley will gather at the Land and Environment Court at Singleton tomorrow (Tuesday) in support of blind farmer, Ian Moore, who is attempting to stop a coal mining company, NuCoal, from entering his property at Jerrys Plains.

When: 10.30 a.m., Tuesday 29th November 2011

Where: Land and Environment Court, Elisabeth Street, Singleton

Mr Moore has taken the company to the Court after the state's arbitration process ruled in favour of NuCoal.

The exploration licence was originally granted to Doyles Creek Mining by former Labor minister, Ian Macdonald, who is being investigated for various matters by ICAC. The decision to grant this licence by Mr Macdonald has also been referred to ICAC.

Lock the Gate Alliance president, Drew Hutton, said groups opposing the expansion of coal and coal seam gas mining in the Hunter region were all supporting Ian and Robyn Moore and these groups would be ramping up their campaign against coal and coal seam gas over the coming weeks.

"What this coal mining company is attempting to do to Ian and Robyn Moore is typical of the bullying and bluster these companies use against landowners," Mr Hutton said.

"Although legally blind, Ian is an excellent farmer who has worked his
property at Jerrys Plains since he 1950s and he should not be forced off by a mining company so they can trash his land.

"The people of the Hunter are saying 'enough is enough' about coal and coal seam gas. Mining might create jobs but it also ruins good agricultural land, destroys the landscape and underground water and damages the health of those who live nearby."

Mr Hutton called on the New South Wales government to stop breaking the promises it made before the last state election about protecting areas from mining and to introduce a strategic land use plan for the Hunter region that maintained food and water security, and protected the health of communities, important environmental areas and cultural heritage.

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