Metgasco intend to undertake work at Doubtful Creek (in northern NSW) to build a drilling pad for their coal seam gas development. There is an ongoing blockade at the site. For daily updates please see the CSG Free Northern Rivers website or CSG Free Northern Rivers Facebook.
The site is adjacent to the Booths Rd entrance to the State Forest at Doubtful Creek, 11 km from Kyogle.
Approaching from Kyogle
Turn west into Anzac Drive at Kyogle Information Centre, go through Geneva and take 2nd left turn into Ettrick Road and follow to Ettrick village. At Ettrick villag turn left into Knights Rd and follow to blockade.
Approaching from Lismore
From Bentley Rd turn right into Summerland Way at Cedar Point. Go about half a kiloetre then turn left over bridge and then left into Edenville Rd. Follow this road until left turn into Ettrick Rd. At Ettrick village turn left into Knights Rd and follow to blockade.
Approaching from Casino
On Summerland Way about midway between Casino and Kyogle turn left over McDonalds Bridge and go to Dyrabba. Go through Dyrabba on Bolins Rd and go right on Knights Rd to blockade.
(Please ignore the start and finish dates on this page - this event is ongoing)