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Exposed: Three Santos CSG wastewater spills in one month in Queensland

Lock the Gate Alliance has demanded full disclosure from Santos and the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage, after it was reported by the ABC today that there have been two major spills of CSG wastewater in the last month near Roma and one in the Cooper Basin.

“The community shouldn’t be finding out about serious incidents like these by chance, after they are reported by the media," said Carmel Flint, spokesperson for Lock the Gate Alliance.

“Three major spills and leaks in one month suggests that Santos infrastructure is already degrading, and is a very bad portent for the future.

“We need to know whether any of these CSG wastes have polluted our creeks and rivers, and exactly what the quality was of the water involved.

“These spills highlight the major risks posed by CSG and underscore exactly why communities across Australia are supporting renewable energy and battery storage instead of more risky gasfields.

'"Breaches like these should really mean a red light on Santos' expansion plans for 6,600 new CSG wells in Queensland, and their proposed Narrabri gasfield in New South Wales," she said.

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Outrage as Albanese Government approves Vulcan South coal mine

December 20, 2024

Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek’s approval of a Central QLD coal project that cleared endangered koala habitat and began mining before government assessment was complete is the latest decision that exposes the Albanese Government’s total lack of environmental credentials.  

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