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Frack maps create second class citizens in the Territory

New mapping released today has revealed the Northern Territory Government has abandoned communities and many unique natural places to the greed of the gas companies.

The maps divide the Territory in two - with fracking now permitted across roughly half of the NT’s landmass.

Fracking will be permitted in and around iconic Territory locations including Alice Springs drinking water catchment, and the recharge areas of the iconic Roper River and the Mataranka Hot Springs.

Mudburra Traditional Owner Ray Dixon, whose land overlies the Beetaloo gas basin, said his community and its sacred places had been sacrificed.

“This mapping shows the Northern Territory Government hasn’t listened to us - it’s only listened to the gas companies.

“This mapping tells people like me that I and my community don’t deserve the same rights as those in protected no go areas. We have been treated like second class citizens.

“Origin Energy want to build a fracking gasfield in the catchment areas for Newcastle Waters and Lake Woods. Our community has continued to say no but this government has told them to go for it.

“We’re very concerned these significant waterways will still be at risk from fracking under the government’s narrow approach to no-go-zones.” 

“People don’t realise that for the majority of Aboriginal people living in the NT, we don’t have any rights to say what happens on our traditional lands. The no-go-zone process further locks in a power in balance where fracking companies can drill, frack and contaminate our land without consent.”

Tourism operator Rob Woods said Territory tourism would suffer as the fracking companies moved in.

“People come to the Territory to experience its unique, pristine environment. That reputation will be irreparably damaged by allowing this dirty industry to invade,” he said.

“It’s going to make it much more dangerous on the roads in a place where we already have the worst per capita death toll in the country.

“Through this, the reputation of the Top End as a beautiful safe place to visit will be tarnished.

“The Northern Territory Government has sold its own people and an entire sustainable industry and future generations down a polluted, toxic creek with this decision.”

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