Further detailed information on the impacts of coal and coal seam gas and fracking can be found below.
These reports are collated from peer reviewed research into the environmental and health risks from fracking and unconventional gas operations:
-The New York State Public health review of Hydraulic Fracturing for Shale Gas Development.
- Mining: the Queensland Way by Drew Hutton: In this eye-opening – at times bone chilling – history of mining in Queensland, lifelong activist, Drew Hutton, uncovers the shocking truth behind this increasingly domineering industry from its onset in the late 1880s to the present day.
- Mining and Coal Seam Gas Law in Queensland by Qld EDO: In plain English, with an easy-to-follow layout, the handbook offers clear information on mining and coal seam gas law for landholders and community groups in Queensland.
- Rich Land, Wasteland by Sharyn Munro: For nearly a year Sharyn Munro travelled through rural Australia, visiting communities in coal-mining areas. She found a war zone.
- Big Coal: Australia's Dirtiest Habit by Bob Burton et al: This work dissects the Australian coal industry’s influence which enables it to advocate publicly, and behind closed doors, to get its way despite severe environmental and social impacts.
- The Activists' Handbook by Aidan Ricketts: A powerful guide to grassroots activism. Providing all essential practical tools, methods and strategies needed for a successful campaign and extensively discussing legal and ethical issues, this book empowers its readers to effectively promote their cause.
- Too Much Luck by Paul Cleary: Paul Cleary shows how the resource boom, which seems a blessing, could well become a curse.
- Mine-Field by Paul Cleary: Paul Cleary counts the true cost of Australia’s mineral addiction.
- What the Frack? by Paddy Manning: Journalist Paddy Manning unpicks the coal seam gas extraction story, visiting drill sites, boardrooms, pipelines, parliamentary offices and angry farm gate protests. It seems that coal seam gas extraction may be one boom that’s happening too fast.
Parliamentary Reports
- Final report on Qld Government administration related to Commonwealth matters, Senate Inquiry, 2015
- Final report on environmental offsets, Senate Inquiry, 2015
- Final report on coal seam gas, NSW Parliamentary Inquiry, 2012
- The impact of mining coal seam gas on the management of the Murray Darling Basin, Senate Inquiry, 2011
Relevant Freedom of Information Documents
Queensland - documents obtained relating to health assessments of CSG impacts: