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Where would you rather see our taxpayer money invested? 

The Government wants to frack, but what does Australia want? 

We’ve put together a letter you can sign below and add your ideas for the Federal Government on what they could do with our hard-earned tax dollars.

Please add your name and give us your ideas for where you’d rather see your tax dollars spent. 

To Federal Parliamentarians, Ministers, Departments, 

We are alarmed and disappointed to see the Federal Government now rolling out a suite of actions to prop up expensive and dangerous gas fracking across Australia without any proper public accountability.

As voters and concerned Australians, we ask that you hear our message - do not spend our money on gas fracking projects and big new gas pipelines.  

Farmlands, water resources and the climate can’t afford to keep propping up polluting gas. 

It’s time for Australia to grow stronger and tool up to embrace cleaner energy and storage. 

There are a multitude of ways the Government could take a smarter approach to the Covid recovery. The Australian community has many ideas on how we can boost agriculture, tourism, First Nations opportunities, community health and disaster relief. 

We know we can create jobs by genuinely supporting diverse Australian businesses, not throwing our money at the gas fracking industry. 

We see huge opportunities to help Australia to get off polluting and expensive gas into the future, to modernise our power and heating and to save on gas and energy bills. 

I ask that you oppose the measures being rolled out to fast-track gas fracking, including the ill-considered and secretive National Gas Infrastructure Plan, and take on board our ideas for how the money could be better spent. 

Yours sincerely,

Please add some comments.

What would you rather see money spent on?

Here are some ideas:

Helping Australian businesses get off gas
Funding community projects in your neighbourhood
Land stewardship programs
Supporting First Nations organisations and businesses working on country
Renewable energy projects and battery storage
Disaster relief

Send a message

Showing 30 reactions

  • Kelli Ann Faulkner
    commented 2021-05-11 15:51:44 +1000
  • Jennifer Jau
    commented 2021-05-10 13:57:39 +1000
  • Craig Trotter
    commented 2021-05-05 17:48:04 +1000
  • Felicity Aldrich
    commented 2021-05-03 11:59:44 +1000
    Gas is NOT a transition fuel. Fracking is a huge risk to the environment and underground water resources plus it emits huge greenhouse gases during production. No fracking anywhere in Australia.
  • Lyn Garling
    commented 2021-05-02 12:08:15 +1000
    I would ask that you direct Australian tax payers money towards including an educational component to engage conversation by all students around alternative renewable energy resources; who knows what bright spark may result from open, energetic young minds!
  • Chris Newman
    commented 2021-04-29 08:50:34 +1000
    Instead spend money on vulnerable regional communities to provide useful grassroots support to break the cycle of disadvantage and poverty. Invest in quality programs that help and support people. Spend money on creating more Nation Parks to protect the natural assets of our beautiful country for generations to come and more ranger jobs!
  • Carla Davis
    commented 2021-04-27 13:53:41 +1000
    Certainly NOT mining and CSG energy projects that destroy Australia’s environment, other industries, and people’s home, businesses, and lives. Land Stewardship programs would be a good place to start spending our tax dollars. Moving away from dirty industries is long overdue!
  • Peta Audet
    commented 2021-04-25 13:21:49 +1000
  • Kim Potter
    commented 2021-04-25 11:46:20 +1000
  • Kathleen Noonan
    commented 2021-04-24 17:24:46 +1000
    This is a defining decade. We must move away from coal and gas. These are polluting forms of energy and only add to the heating up of the atmosphere. I believe Australia has an opportunity to rapidly move into ‘green’ technologies, to be a leader in the fight against climate change.

    Instead of unwisely spending money on a declining industry look to projects such as battery storage and renewab
  • Sylvia Graham
    commented 2021-04-21 17:43:05 +1000
    I don’t want our meagre underground water to be contaminated with chemicals! I don’t want gas pipelines to supply china with cheap gas. I don’t not want the almighty dollar to trump every government decision! I am fed up with poluution. We have more sunshine & wild winds than any other country, & more university graduates looking for research jobs on alternative energy. Lets see some leadership in this country!
  • Chris Thompson
    commented 2021-04-21 13:29:46 +1000
    Much more public housing

    Tax incentives to purchase EVs

    Legislation that supports investment in renewables
  • Robert Pulie
    commented 2021-04-21 12:18:20 +1000
  • Skye Eagles
    commented 2021-04-20 13:42:19 +1000
  • Brian Horsley
    commented 2021-04-20 09:45:00 +1000
    It has become obvious that we can produce an abundance of renewable energy it is now time to invest in storage technologies. It is bizarre that governments are looking to change people for producing “too much” solar electricity to protect big corporate interests in the distribution networks. The problem is not the generation of competitive solar electricity it is storage. Current battery technology is only the starting point in this equation. Time to break new ground
  • Fridelle Stanyer
    commented 2021-04-19 12:37:40 +1000
  • Fi Osborn
    commented 2021-04-18 13:40:46 +1000
  • Paula Sillars
    commented 2021-04-18 10:44:43 +1000
  • Josephine Perret
    commented 2021-04-16 23:00:50 +1000
  • Arjan Kok
    commented 2021-04-15 21:07:06 +1000
    Don’t subsidise fracking up the planet! Even better, regulate resource extraction in a sustainable manner, make sure all consumer products are 100% recycled in a clean and efficient way
  • Rocky Henry
    commented 2021-04-14 19:53:33 +1000
    Renewables is the future, let Australia be leaders and not laggards.
  • Nicklaus Mahony
    commented 2021-04-13 19:49:39 +1000
    We need to preserve our precious land resources, and properly support First Nations and farmers to care for Country.
  • Samantha Lillie
    commented 2021-04-13 19:48:34 +1000
  • Bob Strachan
    commented 2021-04-13 17:38:25 +1000
    This idea of fracking is madness. The Earth is tired of being raped!
  • Ruth Kendall
    commented 2021-04-13 15:17:40 +1000
    It’s simple, the people don’t want fracking. Put money towards community projects that provide true lasting benefit to the people living in proposed fracking areas.
  • Anna Flesselles
    commented 2021-04-12 22:43:21 +1000
  • Anna Cusack
    commented 2021-04-12 22:02:04 +1000
    There are innumerable better ways to spend this money. Flood and fire relief, reforesting and renewable energy would be good places to start.
  • Peter Rice
    commented 2021-04-12 18:53:41 +1000
  • Andrew Pengelly
    commented 2021-04-12 17:54:48 +1000
  • Domenico de Pieri
    commented 2021-04-12 15:52:55 +1000