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Gather for Maules Ck Coal mine legal challenge

Support communities and koalas - gather outside court as the legal challenge against the infamous Maules Ck Coal project kicks off.  Come along and support the people of north-western NSW as they challenge Whitehaven coal plans for a massive open-cut coal mine in the middle of Leard State Forest.  This is a mine that has been shrouded in controversy - a flawed approvals process, a donations scandal, and an on-going investigation into the provision of false and misleading information.  The mine will destroy vast areas of koala habitat, reduce farm water supplies and expose local families to dangerous coal dust. Monday 16th September is the first day of the full hearing into the validity of the approvals granted to the Maules Ck Coal and Boggabri Coal projects under Federal environment laws earlier this year. Lawyers for the Northern Inland Council for the Environment will be arguing that the approvals were improperly granted.

September 16, 2013
9:30am - 10:30am
Law Courts Building, Queens Square, 184 Phillips St, Sydney

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