With the Katter’s Australian Party in Qld Parliament looking like voting against new laws designed to protect water for farmers, Lock the Gate will tomorrow launch a radio, print and online advertising campaign in regional Qld calling out the Katters for doing the dirty on farmers as a favour for big miners.
The advertising campaign kicks off on Saturday. It includes radio ads featuring radio heavyweight Alan Jones who has been campaigning in support of new laws protecting water rights for Qld farmers, and online and print ads featuring Acland grazier Frank Ashman who says, “Without water, our farm is finished” (print and online ads attached).
“The Palaszczuk government promised to reverse Newman era water laws that hand miners rights to free groundwater, yet the Katter’s are sitting on the fence and look like backing miners over farmers and voting these laws down,” said President of Lock the Gate Drew Hutton.
“Katter’s Queensland MPs Robbie Katter and Shane Knuth could cast the deciding votes on this important legislation designed to protect Australia’s groundwater.
“Voters in their seats should know these laws are on a knife’s edge. It would be shameful if the Katters shaft farmers as a favour for the mining industry,” Mr Hutton said.
Contact: Drew Hutton 0428 487 110