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Kurri gas plant approval gives fresh Cabinet the same old stink

The state approval of the Kurri Kurri gas fired power station is a disappointing decision at a time when the world needs to embrace more renewable energy and zero carbon technology, not more polluting fossil fuel projects.

Yesterday the NSW Government’s Planning Portal issued a notification advising stakeholders the plant had been approved. The Planning Department then retracted that approval, before the approval was later uploaded to its website.

Lock the Gate Alliance NSW spokesperson Nic Clyde said it was the worst kind of Christmas present.

“The NSW Government has gifted the people of NSW not coal, but gas under the Christmas tree this year. We think most people would have preferred renewable energy, not more of the same old polluting fossil fuels," he said.

“This is a $610m white elephant that Australia doesn’t need, it will waste scarce public funding that is desperately needed elsewhere, and it will drive up energy prices, not bring them down.

“It’s anticipated it will only operate two percent of the time, but will be creating local and greenhouse pollution when it does. 

“Worse still, the plant could incentivise Santos to proceed with its destructive Narrabri coal seam gasfield - so people in NSW can expect more damage to land and water and higher energy costs to boot.”


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