We are kicking off the National Week of Action against coal and gas mining on 17th August with the launch of our two groundbreaking new documentaries about the impacts of coal and unconventional gas mining on Australia.
Featuring the personal stories of Australians whose lives have been changed forever mining developments, the films are directed by Northern Rivers film makers Brendan Shoebridge and David Lowe.
If you live in the Northern Rivers or nearby please join us for this event at the Star Court Theatre, Lismore. Follow up launches in other regions to follow....
7 pm: Music from the North Coast's finest
8 pm: Film launch and screenings with Drew Hutton
Tickets can be purchased online at http://www.starcourttheatre.com.au/events, in person at the Star Court Theatre Shop, Star Court Arcade, Molesworth St. Lismore, by phoning 66 225 005, or at the door.
Funds raised from this event will go towards Lock the Gate campaigns and documentary production costs
See the event flyer here