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Lock the Gate slams LNP on restricting community concerns about mining

Lock the Gate President, Drew Hutton said the Deputy Premier's comments last night on ABC radio and television about restricting the number of people and community groups that could object to mining applications were "despicable".

"Once again the LNP government is trying to curb the democratic rights of Queenslanders," Mr Hutton said.

"The Newman government and his bully-boy Jeff Seeney are trying to stop ordinary people and communities from protecting themselves against multimillionaires in the mining industries that are trying to make a quick buck and move on.

"It's ludicrous to suggest only landholders should have a stake in whether a mine that effects so many people should go ahead. The impacts on land, air, water and greenhouse gases go much further than the immediate landholders." 

Mr Hutton said Mr Seeney's comments "make a mockery of the democratic objections process" like the one that closes on Monday for the expansion of the New Hope Coal Mine at Acland on the Darling Downs.

"Locals are already being adversely effected by the Acland mine and any expansion will cause further pain but Mr Seeney is suggesting communities should just put up with it," he said.

"Some of the largest mining projects in the world are being proposed in Queensland in the next few years and everyone should have a say in whether they should go ahead."


Drew Hutton: President, Lock the Gate Alliance Ph:0428 487 110

Kate Dennehy: Qld Campaign Coordinator, Lock the Gate Ph: 0419 432 624 

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