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LTG responds to 'Galilee exports delayed until 2017'

Lock the Gate has responded to the Australian's article 'Galilee exports delayed until 2017' saying:

I'd like to point out that there are also a number of other people objecting to the Alpha mine in the Galilee Basin. Most of these are local landholders who are concerned, primarily, about the impacts of the mine on ground and surface water in the region, a fact Mr Mulder (GVK), seems to have omitted
The land court is the last recourse for concerned citizens to present evidence on the impacts of the project to an unbiased adjudicator. GVK have already been in trouble by the member (judge in the land court), for implying the court was just a rubber stamping process. I'm concerned that he is implying that these legitimate objections, in a process that has been clear from the day GVK decided to invest in the Alpha mine, should be viewed as the reason for a delay in their project. If they have failed to plan for this eventuality that is entirely their fault.
We will have to wait until the evidence is heard in the case, starting the 16th September, to understand the full extent of the evidence brought against the approval of the mining lease and environmental authority for the Alpha mine. Until then the objectors are busily preparing their cases and staying out of the media, just like Mr Mulder would be advised to do.
Warm regards,
Ellie Smith
Central Queensland Coordinator,
Lock the Gate Alliance


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