October 15, 2014
The survey of the nation’s top water experts reveals that 70 per cent consider CSG mining to be a moderate to significant risk to ground and surface water resources.
National coordinator for Lock the Gate Phil Laird said the report voiced the fears of more than 1200 of our most experienced and professional water managers and water scientists and those concerns were echoed in communities on the frontline of CSG mining.
“The water experts are saying what the community has been saying for years and that is that there is a considerable risk to water, our most precious resource, from CSG mining and exploration,” Mr Laird said.
“The time has come to pull the reins on this industry. Our water resources are not worth putting at risk for the short -term profit for an industry that is not safe, not acceptable and not necessary.
“In the states and territories most impacted by CSG, ACT, NSW and Queensland, 87 per cent of the water experts think that CSG poses a risk to water resources with 74 per cent considering that risk to be significant or moderate.
“Last week the NSW chief scientist report said that CSG was a significant risk to ground and surface water and now a survey of 1243 water experts have said the same thing.
“It is well past the time that the state and federal government’s listened to the science on this matter and listened to the experts. Our water is the one resource that we really can’t do without. It is the basis for agriculture and for a sustainable future in this driest inhabited continent on earth.”
The annual State of the Water Sector report released today is from the Australian Water Association and Deloitte. The Full Report is available here.