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Miner pressing forward despite lack of approval and water worries

GVK Hancock Coal have today published a public notice of application for mining lease and environmental authority for their proposed Kevin’s Corner mine, in the Galilee Basin, despite doubts being raised over the impacts of the mine on groundwater, and a Federal Government announcement that its decision on the mine will be delayed for ten weeks.

The public notice, printed in the CQ news, comes on the same day that the Federal Government has announced its own decision will not be made until 30th October, and just two weeks after it was decided that the new Federal “water trigger” will apply to the mine.

Spokesperson for the Lock the Gate Alliance, Ellie Smith, welcomed the extension from the Government but voiced concern that GVK were pressing ahead with the process.

“We hope that delaying in the decision on Kevin’s Corner means that the Federal Government are taking their new responsibilities for the protection of water seriously.

“This is the first mine to have the new “water trigger” applied to the decision and we know that serious concerns have been raised about the severity of the impacts this mine would have on groundwater . Given the shocking impacts this mine will have on regional water resources, and it’s potential to affect the Great Artesian Basin we know the environment minister, whoever that is after the election, will have some serious issues to consider.

“GVK are showing contempt for the environmental assessment process by applying for their mining lease before the Federal Government has made their ruling.”

“Landholders around GVK’s proposed mine sites are extremely concerned about the possible impacts of these mines. They have submitted legal objections to the Alpha mine at considerable personal cost. Publishing the public notice, and calling for objections to Kevin’s Corner before the previous case has been heard means that legitimate objectors to this mine may be excluded”.

Lock the Gate is investigating legal options to delay the mining lease and environmental authority application until after the Alpha case is finalised.

- notes:

See public notice here:

See Federal Government decision to delay here:

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