The LNP is trying to ram through even more unfair and unsafe mining in Queensland with its Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Bill 2014.
The Lock the Gate spokesman, Drew Hutton said: “Coal and unconventional gas mining is just not safe but the LNP is hell-bent on forcing it onto Queenslanders regardless of the consequences.
“Our water, food bowls, communities and health are all at risk and the Newman government falsely assumes it will make a motza out of this unsafe industry.
“Every financial expert in Australia and overseas knows the bottom has fallen out of the industry and that the LNP’s figures are dodgy at best.”
Mr Hutton said the concentration on fossil fuels would lead to higher energy prices, reduced property values and continue the massive subsidies for mining companies.
He said the proposed Bill would:
- Further erode landholders’ rights
- Mean far fewer people would be able to object to mining leases.
People can submit their objections until July 9 using this Environmental Defenders Office template submission.
“Lock the Gate is standing up against dirty fossil fuels and dirty government,” he said. “Water and food are our most precious resources, not coal and gas.”