The Federal Government wants to strip away the rights of communities to object to dangerous mining projects by ripping up our basic legal rights and putting national assets like the Liverpool Plains and Great Barrier Reef at risk.
But Alan Jones has put the Government on notice, and joined us to demand they take this divisive plan off the table. Can you chip in get this TV Ad played on Sky News next week and send the Federal Parliament a message they can't ignore?
With your help we can make sure each and every Federal politician hears the powerful voice of Alan Jones blaring through their parliamentary offices this coming week, as they return for the first time after the Parliamentary break.
By chipping in now, you will be asking them directly to stand up for communities and defend Australia from reckless coal and gas mining giants who are putting our nation at risk. All we're asking for is a fair go, and the basic right to be heard in a court of law.
Read more about the Bill the Government has introduced - here.
In August, the Federal Government introduced the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Standing) Bill 2015 to drastically limit who can go to court to challenge Federal environmental approvals.
It is designed to prevent communities from going to court to challenge bad government decisions, and restrict objection rights only to individuals who can prove that they are directly aggrieved by a mining project.
Read more about why it's a bad idea - here.
THERE IS NO PROBLEM WITH THE SYSTEM AS IT IS NOW: The Australia Institute has found that only 27 Federal projects have ever been subject to legal challenge, out of 5,500 projects submitted.
OBJECTION RIGHTS HELP PREVENT CORRUPTION: The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption has found that decisions that can be challenged in court are more likely to be made well.
SMALL REGIONAL COMMUNITY GROUPS WOULD BE MOST AFFECTED: Most cases against mining companies come from small community groups who would have their rights ripped away by this Bill.
RESTRICTING CHALLENGES TO INDIVIDUALS IS DESIGNED TO END CHALLENGES: Individuals are unlikely to have the funds required and will be liable for massive personal costs if they lose.