The South Australian Upper House has passed the 10 year fracking moratorium in the South East of South Australia into law, effective in 14 days.
The fracking moratorium follows a lengthy and sustained grassroots campaign from communities in the South East.
Angus Ralton, chairperson of the Limestone Coast Protection Alliance, said “This is a well deserved outcome for the community that has fought so hard.
“This was a long, hard fought battle and we are deeply appreciative of our local independent MP Troy Bell for moving this Bill and to Nick McBride for getting the Libs on board.
“Mark Parnell and fellow Greens in the Upper House as well as SA Best were equally pivotal in getting this Bill through.
“The Bill might never have made it to the floor without the heads of the primary agricultural bodies and local health professionals, who also pledged their public support in the lead up to tabling the Bill.
“While the community is very happy with this result, gasfields are still a threat to our region and the fight continues.
“Conventional gas is being actively pursued in the South East and we are very concerned that conventional gas exploration will begin to march across our landscape, with three wells scheduled to be drilled this December or January and the threat of more wells in the coming year."