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Thanks for saving Bylong!

Please write a very short message, in your own words, to the Independent Planning Commission and the NSW Government for rejecting the risky Bylong coal mine.  Congratulate them for listening to the experts and protecting this incredible area for its rich soils, precious groundwater and unique heritage values. This means the historic Tarwyn Park property, the home of Natural Sequence Farming, will not be mined.

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Showing 30 reactions

  • Kate Henry
    commented 2019-09-20 09:59:12 +1000
    Thankyou Thankyou thankyou
  • jana Valentova
    commented 2019-09-20 09:51:32 +1000
    Thank you. Grateful for your decision. This is how we save the world. One small piece at a time
  • Annabelle Evans
    commented 2019-09-20 09:46:13 +1000
    This is good news and I hope to see more like it. Thank you for letting the long term good prevail.
  • Jeffrey Clyde
    commented 2019-09-20 09:44:34 +1000
    This is great for all future generations
  • Linc Suttor
    commented 2019-09-20 09:42:17 +1000
    This decision is possibly the start of what we will know as one of the biggest turning point in human kinds history! We are at the end of the coal fuelled Industrial Age and turning towards the age of information. I’m so happy to see people have finally chosen our Mother Earth over the greed of humans! Well done. Congratulations and may you be the face of the revolution away from coal.
  • Patricia Lalor
    commented 2019-09-20 09:39:36 +1000
    Marvelously successful result.
  • Barbara Lyons
    commented 2019-09-20 09:35:37 +1000
    Thank you so much for rejecting the Bylong coal mine – a step in the right direction. It gives me some hope for the future.
  • Jane Greacen
    commented 2019-09-20 09:35:08 +1000
    Thank you.

    You hopefully will be leading the way for all unacceptable risks to the health of the community and environment into the future
  • Jan Hume
    commented 2019-09-20 09:26:32 +1000
    Thanks for listening to the experts. It’s even more significant being the day of Climate Strike.
  • Bob Strachan
    commented 2019-09-20 09:25:10 +1000
    Sometimes we wonder whether the ‘system’ works. Your wonderful decision (ruling) restores my faith in government bodies doing the fair and right thing. Saving Bylong was the right thing. Thank you, thank you!
  • Raymond Millar
    commented 2019-09-20 09:21:24 +1000
    thanks from a queenslander ,,,its a global issue ,you may be known as the birth place of modern sanity..ray
  • Jilly Witham
    commented 2019-09-20 09:13:38 +1000
    The planet thanks you for this small but important mercy…Jilly Witham
  • Michelle Jones
    commented 2019-09-20 09:13:21 +1000
    Thankyou. As a local to the area, I am thrilled that the environment has been put before mining. Bylong is no place for a mine.
  • Neil Rasmussen
    commented 2019-09-20 09:06:40 +1000
    Thank you for stopping the Bylong Mine. This is an important step towards placing environmental values above the influence of the coal lobbyists.
  • Vicki Cryer
    commented 2019-09-20 09:05:43 +1000
  • Beverley Flegg
    commented 2019-09-20 09:03:05 +1000
    To Whom it May Concern,

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank the NSW Commission for saving Bylong thus allowing it to be free of pollutants and the continuation of farming. This is a heritage of Australia. Beverley
  • Hala Bereza
    commented 2019-09-20 09:01:51 +1000
    This decision has given me hope that others may follow and see and understand that the actions we take now for our planet, is crucial for our planet’s future and thus the future of our children’s children’s children.

    Thank you so very much for listening and taking the right action.

    You’ve no idea how much this means to us all.
  • Penny Edmonds
    commented 2019-09-20 09:00:32 +1000
    Thank you from our planet!
  • Susan Brookes
    commented 2019-09-20 08:58:43 +1000
    Thank you so much for putting a stop to a new coal mine in your state. First step towards getting off fossil fuels and building a new clean energy system in Australia.
  • Marie Nible
    commented 2019-09-20 08:55:03 +1000
    Thank you for protecting our future sustainability and quality of life. Hopefully this will set a precedent in recognition of the numerous values of land as aposed to the almighty mining dollar.
  • Jillian Warner
    commented 2019-09-20 08:43:31 +1000
    Thank you so much for voting against another coal mine & giving me hope there is still a chance, for common sense to come before big profit. Thank you, thank you, thank you! ♥️
  • Jen see Huber
    commented 2019-09-20 08:28:32 +1000
    Thank you so much for making an excellent decision for the country and our children’s future.

    kind regards Jen Huber
  • Josephine Flanagan
    commented 2019-09-20 08:28:09 +1000
    Wonderful decision
  • Baljeet Degun
    commented 2019-09-20 08:17:58 +1000
    Correct decision for all – thank you.
  • Penny Dyson
    commented 2019-09-20 08:14:39 +1000
    We are so delighted by this decision! My children thank you for their coal free future.
  • Noel Clark
    commented 2019-09-20 08:06:56 +1000
    Thank you.
  • Kevin ball
    commented 2019-09-20 08:05:12 +1000
    Good job thankyou for not letting this mine go ahead
  • Kaitlyn Williams
    commented 2019-09-20 08:04:27 +1000
    Thank you immensely for your concerted and persistent effort and hard work.

    You are loved appreciated and respected all around Australia xox
  • Todd Vercoe
    commented 2019-09-20 07:57:15 +1000
    Thanks so much for deciding that the Bylong Valley had to be spared from the ravages of mining. A great outcome for Australia.
  • Julie Chenery
    commented 2019-09-20 07:53:50 +1000
    Thankyou for demonstrating reason and leadership in voting for life issues that matter more than money!