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Thanks for saving Bylong!

Please write a very short message, in your own words, to the Independent Planning Commission and the NSW Government for rejecting the risky Bylong coal mine.  Congratulate them for listening to the experts and protecting this incredible area for its rich soils, precious groundwater and unique heritage values. This means the historic Tarwyn Park property, the home of Natural Sequence Farming, will not be mined.

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Showing 30 reactions

  • Rachel Matthews
    commented 2019-09-20 07:46:35 +1000
    Thank you so much! Common sense prevailed at last!
  • Maria van der Voort
    commented 2019-09-20 07:42:19 +1000
    Thank you for listening to the experts and protecting this ecologically important area. I admire your insight and determination to push back against coal mining.
  • Maria van der Voort
    commented 2019-09-20 07:42:18 +1000
    Thank you for listening to the experts and protecting this ecologically important area. I admire your insight and determination to push back against coal mining.
  • Jacquilynne Dixon
    commented 2019-09-20 07:38:23 +1000
    Thank you for saving Bylong Valley.
  • Amanda Lopez
    commented 2019-09-20 07:36:23 +1000
    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • Bronwyn Fackender
    commented 2019-09-20 07:28:23 +1000
    Thank you for this decision to protect Bylong Valley from destruction, rape and exploitation. Please keep on the side of the country you are elected to protect.
  • Lesley Strachan
    commented 2019-09-20 07:26:49 +1000
  • Billie Williams
    commented 2019-09-20 07:26:16 +1000
    Thank you for supporting farmers, and helping save the environment and Bylong Valley for future generations!
  • Cheryl Duffin
    commented 2019-09-20 07:22:25 +1000
    Thank you SO much for putting the environment before profits. It’s the right decision. I’m overwhelmed that there has been some sense before $$$$$$$.
  • Judith Swain
    commented 2019-09-20 07:09:24 +1000
  • Rosina Mihajlovic
    commented 2019-09-20 07:04:53 +1000
    Dear Members of the Commission,

    Please accept my heartfelt thanks for putting our environment ahead of profits. It gives me hope for our country and the planet.
  • Robert Marsh
    commented 2019-09-20 06:47:13 +1000
    Thank you for realising.
  • Kerry Kingsbury
    commented 2019-09-20 06:43:41 +1000
    Thank you for your wise decision on Bylong. So heartening to know we have such forward thinking decision makers in NSW.
  • Heather Stolle
    commented 2019-09-20 06:42:41 +1000
    thank you for saving a sustainable future
  • Lock Barker
    commented 2019-09-20 06:29:07 +1000
    Good decision.
  • Ian Darnton-Hill
    commented 2019-09-20 06:10:06 +1000
  • Leotien Parlevliet
    commented 2019-09-20 05:56:37 +1000
    Many thanks for protecting this unique area by rejecting the risky coal mine
  • Barbara Allsop
    commented 2019-09-20 05:37:10 +1000
  • Susan Lawton
    commented 2019-09-20 04:27:00 +1000
    Thank you for looking at the science and listening to the experts. It is a great relief to know the Bylong Valley will now remain protected with its heritage also preserved.
  • Rex pepper
    commented 2019-09-20 03:32:56 +1000
    A rare fusion of evidence and common sense

    Congratulations and thanks
  • Dianne Schahinger
    commented 2019-09-20 03:12:51 +1000
    Thankyou for saving the beautiful Bylong Valley. And now…we must STOP ADANI!
  • michael bonett
    commented 2019-09-20 02:45:33 +1000
    Hello and well done for not allowing the coal mine permission to operate at Bylong. I am from the Uk and are happy to hear that a fossil fuel mine in Australia, one of the biggest mining nations in the World, has been refused planning permission. We all know that the days of fossil fuels are over, and that any large mining operation is an environmental disaster, and in some parts of the World, a social one as well. It is great to know that locals are beginning to value their land in it s magnificent natural state and dont just look at its economic potential .
  • Judith Arthy
    commented 2019-09-20 02:43:56 +1000
    Well done N S W for this great decision for our ecology and climate benefit. Well done.

    Wish I could say the same about our Qld Premier. She’s succumbed to pressure and given the go-ahead for the Bowen mine. As a Labor supporter I find this disgraceful and shortsighted. She may as well sell her soul to the Coalition.
  • Dennis Plink
    commented 2019-09-20 02:22:40 +1000
    Thankyou for a wise decision in Bylong. It is a decision that gives me hope that our society can recognise values other than relatively short-term profits.

  • Linley Manners
    commented 2019-09-20 02:19:59 +1000
    Thank you so much for respecting the wishes of the Australian people and preserving our beautiful heritage for the children of our country.
  • Brooke Cohen
    commented 2019-09-20 02:15:07 +1000
    Thank you, for recognising the VITAL importance of our precious and highly vulnerable water systems and catchment areas, especially in NSW. When I visited the Bylong and Gloucester region recently I could not believe the state of our rivers and feared terribly for the ground water supplies. The thought of mining these areas was incomprehensible.

    Thank you for recognising how important these gorgeous places are for all living things and for the future health of this state.
  • Gwen Verdun
    commented 2019-09-20 01:52:00 +1000
    Your decision gives me hope that we can be realistic and achieve more like this decision

    Thank you.
  • Patsy Asch
    commented 2019-09-20 01:50:33 +1000
    Thanks for a wise decision that prioritises our future over short term profit.
  • Robert Mylchreest
    commented 2019-09-20 01:18:20 +1000
    Great decision thank you on behalf of my grandchildren
  • Alice Cairns
    commented 2019-09-20 01:14:52 +1000