Join 11 different community groups concerned at the destruction being caused in the Special Catchment Areas of Sydney from underground coal mining. The groups will display an alternative photo exhibition outside the Warragamba Visitors’ Centre which is opening an exhibition called the 'Secrets of the Special Areas'. The groups will be displaying recent photographic evidence of the 'Real Secrets of the Special Areas - cracked and polluted rivers, dried-out swamps and waterfalls, cliff falls and dead vegetation. These have all being caused by the NSW Government allowing reckless coal mining in these precious Special Areas.
Members from groups concerned at destruction in the Special Areas will display an alternative photo exhibition outside the Warragamba Visitors’ Centre on Sunday, 28 July, 11am - 1pm, featuring recent photographic evidence of cracked and polluted rivers, dried-out swamps and waterfalls, cliff falls and dead vegetation - all being allowed in these precious Special Areas by the NSW Government