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Victorian Gas Ban Welcome; Leaves COAG Gas Push in Tatters

Lock the Gate Alliance today congratulated the Victorian Labor Government on its leadership in being the first Australian state to put a permanent ban on unconventional gas mining, and said that it should lead to COAG reversing its push for expanded gas mining.

Phil Laird from Lock the Gate Alliance said "We want to warmly congratulate the Victorian Labor Government for being the first Australian state to put a permanent ban on unconventional gas mining, and thank Premier Daniel Andrews and his team for their extraordinary national leadership on this issue.

"This outcome is a credit to the brave and determined farmers and community groups who have fought long and hard against risky gas mining, and it is reassuring to see that state governments are starting to listen to people and their demands to protect land and water resources.

“It is ground-breaking precedent that is being watched by people across the country, and it will set the benchmark for states who are prepared to listen to their constituents and prioritise agricultural, tourism and renewable energy businesses, over the financially unstable, short-term gas industry.

"The ban announced by the Victorian Government today, plus the promise by the incoming NT Labor Government to implement a moratorium on all shale gas activities, has left the recent COAG push for expanded unconventional gas mining in tatters.

"The Federal Government is woefully out of touch on this issue and the community has not been swayed by their confected gas supply crisis.

“We're calling on Federal Environment and Energy Minister, Josh Frydenberg, to urgently visit communities threatened by gas mining across the country, reconsider his position, and respond in a similar fashion to the Andrews government" he said.


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Outrage as Albanese Government approves Vulcan South coal mine

December 20, 2024

Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek’s approval of a Central QLD coal project that cleared endangered koala habitat and began mining before government assessment was complete is the latest decision that exposes the Albanese Government’s total lack of environmental credentials.  

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  • Jacqueline Lewis
    commented 2016-09-02 19:14:34 +1000
    Overwhelming Joy is what we feel right now… ! Thank you, for ‘doing the ’right’ thing’ for Australia – we cannot ‘fix’ such abuse of our Earth… this was the ONLY right thing to do – leave the gas in the ground. There are many alternatives…. CSG is dirty – on all levels. So happy, as we’ve been fighting this issue for a long time now.
  • Raelene Poustie
    commented 2016-08-31 16:01:33 +1000
    As a resident of the South West of Western Australia I would like to join in on the invitation to Josh Frydenberg and welcome him to our beautiful state.

    I have an apiary on my farm, my bees buzz around and have lots to choose from as they go about their journey for nectar and pollen to make some of the best honey. We are lucky in this part of Australia as we are protected from a lot of the disease and pests that plague bee’s in the rest of the world, we need to keep what we have safe from harm. To do this we need clean water, air and land.

    We are also primary producers, my herd of cows graze in the paddocks so we have to keep our cattle healthy and ready for sale, to do this we need clean water, air and land.

    I have my free range chickens roaming around as they choose, enjoying everything this great land has to offer, we need clean water, air and land for this to continue.

    I worry about the health of my family also and the contamination of our rain water as this is our only drinking water. We need clean air, land and water to stay healthy and happy.

    Please come and bring Colin Barnett with you so that we can let him know how much this means to us. I would like to express my concerns and register my objections to any form of unconventional and risky or dangerous conventional gas mining projects, currently and in the future with in the SW region.